What can save this company?


As we begin 2011, I have a serious question. What if anything is going to be able to save this company? With Lexapro going generic soon and taking about 2/3 of revenue and with no real products in the pipeline is there any hope? I've been gone for 3 years and never been happier. I have seen Forest as a little start up to becoming a real player to what it is today (worthless). Just a question, look forward to your responses.
I tell you what is going to save this company is the hospital sales force...sit back and watch us dominate this market as we did before in cns!

Unfortunately even if this poster is not trying to be sarcastic the hospital product has expectations of only a couple hundred million. Hospital products, for the most part, do not make as much money as maintenance products. If the antibiotic does achieve a couple hundred million it will help but not as much as we are led to believe, especially with the hospital expansion of reps (increase in costs).
I tell you what is going to save this company is the hospital sales force...sit back and watch us dominate this market as we did before in cns!

This is the OP. Your answer is exactly what I was looking for. What a great way to start 2011, I laughed for 10 minutes when I read you post. I got 200 bucks that says nobody can beat this post. By the way, if you were serious about your comment please go directly to the pysch ward and check yourself in.
The answer is simple.. Fire all the good reps and hire reps that get paid much less.. This will loosen up more money for the company to go out and get more Branded drugs that are Me Too's and compete against only Generic Meds. Its a win, win!!
This is the OP. Your answer is exactly what I was looking for. What a great way to start 2011, I laughed for 10 minutes when I read you post. I got 200 bucks that says nobody can beat this post. By the way, if you were serious about your comment please go directly to the pysch ward and check yourself in.

It is the inexperienced, socially inept, uneducated, non-business sense, no people skills managers that are going to lift this company to new heights. Current strategy, high signature averages and drop as many samples as possible. Oh and don't forget the huge budgets to buy coffee! Dunkin Donuts is the definitely the answer! Definitely yeah! Charlie Babbitt, Definitely Charlie Babbitt! I have another idea, let's pay the target bonus at $7000 and give the reps $9000 to spend on budget a quarter. Slapping the sales force in the face is a great way to bring Forest to greatness.
OP. The answer is simple. These #s are approx.
revenue now:
lexapro 2.5 bil
namenda 1 bil
sav/bystolic 500 mil

when lx goes generic:
lexapro 0
namenda 1 bil (paid to sales force)
sav/bystolic 500 mil

so the company is only going to profit 500 mil? No way. As much as this stinks and I love this job you have to be concerned with what is going to happen. Don't be blinded and think things are not going to change, have a back up plan.
does anyone agree with this or am I way off?
OP. The answer is simple. These #s are approx.
revenue now:
lexapro 2.5 bil
namenda 1 bil
sav/bystolic 500 mil

when lx goes generic:
lexapro 0
namenda 1 bil (paid to sales force)
sav/bystolic 500 mil

so the company is only going to profit 500 mil? No way. As much as this stinks and I love this job you have to be concerned with what is going to happen. Don't be blinded and think things are not going to change, have a back up plan.
does anyone agree with this or am I way off?

spot on johnny-such a smart cupcake you are
Lexapro goes generic in 15 months. 2.3bn in sales will disappear. Shortly after that goes another billion with Namenda.

Forest has:
Savella ($250m?)
Bystolic ($500m?)
Daxas ($1bn)
Aclidinium ($250m??)

even on the top end and assuming both Daxas and aclidinium get approval, you might get a combined PEAK of $2bn and that won't come for another 5-10 years.

So yeah, even in the absolute best case scenario, I believe Forest has to be looking at doing their "first layoff" early next year.

That's why I jumped ship a few months ago!
OP. The answer is simple. These #s are approx.
revenue now:
lexapro 2.5 bil
namenda 1 bil
sav/bystolic 500 mil

when lx goes generic:
lexapro 0
namenda 1 bil (paid to sales force)
sav/bystolic 500 mil

so the company is only going to profit 500 mil? No way. As much as this stinks and I love this job you have to be concerned with what is going to happen. Don't be blinded and think things are not going to change, have a back up plan.
does anyone agree with this or am I way off?

you are right on , no way they can afford these extra reps. one billion in sales reps expenses. Forest will have to get that number down to 200 million in expenses at best. means most of you people will be gone(myself too)
The fact is, Forest has never laid anyone off!!!!! But, they have never had too!!! When Celexa went generic, the had Lexapro, which did even better with Celexa. This is in a time where Antidepressants were taking off across the board. Then others branded antidepressants were going generic. Market share started to fall. Then is a desperation move, forest hired another sales force, or expansion. They were really counting on Namenda taking up some slack, which it did, but nowhere the volumne of Lexapro. Tnen a few others, bla bla bla. All the others combined do not equal what Lexapro has done in regards to generating revenue.

They have preached to us for years, we have never laid off anyone, and dont plan too!!!! I have heard Mr. Lynch talk this for a few years now, I have heard he has been saying it for longer than that. Our last POA in Orlando we were told the same thing.

Fact is...
1. They have never laid off anyone!!! This is true!!! But this is also past tense.
2. We dont plan on laying off anyone!!!! Well, I plan on hitting my goals every quarter. I plan on retiring a millionare. I plan on on BLA BLA BLA. These are just words!!! Do you actually think he would tell everyone they are going to layoff employees??? If you believe this, take another hit off of what Jerry is smoking!!!!

They will have layoffs in next month and not blink an eye at letting a few divisions go!!!
The sales force can not survive intact when lexapro goes generic. over 2 billion disappears overnight. Forest will not pay over a billion dollars in reps salaries with only a little over a billion in sales.