B+L bought ISTA for 500 mil. There are 330 employees of this company. There are two eye drop products. This is over 1 million per employee or 250 mil per eye drop product. There are no facilities. The manufacturing is outsourced to B+L already.
B+L now has another office building in California.
Strange aquistion at this stage of the game. Clearly trying to build up a story for an IPO. More products the better the story. However the Debt burden must be incredible at this point. High interest rates due to high risk ventures.
IPO in a year or two? The story is not good enough yet and the debt is too high. If a bank was dumb enough to finance the purchase of ISTA then there will be a bank dumb enough to finance an IPO. However, it is hard to imagine a share price going anywhere in an IPO if the debt burden of the company is as high as it is now.
B+L now has another office building in California.
Strange aquistion at this stage of the game. Clearly trying to build up a story for an IPO. More products the better the story. However the Debt burden must be incredible at this point. High interest rates due to high risk ventures.
IPO in a year or two? The story is not good enough yet and the debt is too high. If a bank was dumb enough to finance the purchase of ISTA then there will be a bank dumb enough to finance an IPO. However, it is hard to imagine a share price going anywhere in an IPO if the debt burden of the company is as high as it is now.