What are you people thinking?


Which unrealistic little paradigm do you people live in? Do you think the environment you work in looks upon you as a person with feelings? Sure on a relative basis when it doesn't conflict with their profitable expectations they will give you some consideration as a person. When an environment of competition to employ the best people to match the benefits, compensation, and "perks" that you could get if you went elsewhere they will also match that. But none of that is to their advantage right now and just like any former asset we, as sales people become liabilities. We didn't ask to be. We did our best to sell our products, make the required number of calls on the "targeted physicians", tried to remember all of the little corporate acronyms they constantly issued to make their decrees a little more euphemistic and a little more palatable for us to accept. But none of it is meant to benefit you as an individual. You voice all your disappointment and express yourself with the most vitriolic terminology. Do you think any of that does any good except to perhaps lessen your profile as a professional in the eyes of those very same people you are trying to impress? If any of you entered this industry with the illusion that it was going to be there until retirement, you were deluded. Look around you; look what's been going on for years! It has been one lay off after another. You just sound so naive, but yet I know that each of you are intelligent young men and women with college degrees that didn't come easy. We are all Americans, part of a proud and able work force. If The Greatest Generation of the 1940's sat around calling their managers vial names and seeking revenge instead of realizing that the future and very existence of this country was in their hands, we might have lost the great war. Now it's in your hands and that is an awesome responsibility what are you going to do about it; sit around wasting your time and try to see how many disgusting terms you can conceive to refer to management? You guys know what needs to be done. Instead of complaining about it, go out there and create that future that you and your families deserve.

To even attempt to do that to myself would be anatomically impossible, perhaps not in your case. There are a number of cranial regions that our species may choose from to express ourselves to others. The most reptilian region is the amygdala. I don't need more than one guess to know which one you chose.

We are all Americans, part of a proud and able work force. If The Greatest Generation of the 1940's sat around calling their managers vial names and seeking revenge instead of realizing that the future and very existence of this country was in their hands, we might have lost the great war. Now it's in your hands and that is an awesome responsibility what are you going to do about it; sit around wasting your time and try to see how many disgusting terms you can conceive to refer to management? You guys know what needs to be done. Instead of complaining about it, go out there and create that future that you and your families deserve.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, OB, for again proving how dumb you are.

I find very fitting (given your performance this year) that while trying your best to sound articulate and educated, you have succeeded in inadvertently making an idiot out of yourself. If you had the reading comprehension skills to understand Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation", you would realize that the 1940's were also largely characterized by a climate in Corporate America that valued and respected the well-being and future of their employees. Between the unions (although anti-capitalist) and companies like Ford and Sears, the "proud" American workforce could take comfort in knowing that if they performed their jobs to the best of their ability, they could provide for families. That is no longer reality in 2011, and certainly not the case at Eisai. Please do not compare slinging pharmaceuticals to fighting the Great War. That is against everything HHC stands for- the only respectable thing left about this company. American Veterans (especially those who have Alzheimer's and can't remember) don't deserve that sort of disrespect.

To try and sound so educated using your big words you used the word vial. It is vile. Are you the same one that used breath instead of breadth on regional slides and in voice mails. You are also you space in between paragraphs.

When professional people who are adults are spoken to in this way you get these kind of responses. Don't use your jargon that tries to hide what you are trying to say. But thank you for your input. Go make an extra pharmacy call now.

See what I did there? I took something you worked hard on and all I did was focus on the one negative that I could find. The wrong spelling of vial. I thought you were a sailsperson! It is not what the company does but how they do it. Just call it layoffs. Let us decide how it will IMPACT us. Have a great day.