What are market access people doing right now?


What does an average day look like?

In field sales we do alot of work. For example, we drive 3x more than the average American, we push our way through the doors to sell product, we are the front lines during covid, we manage inventories (it better be correct), we manage our sales call platform daily, we have reviews that are objective, we have compliance joining us for dinners like a unwanted fly that circulates your food, we have hours of LMS and extra work, we have hours of expense reports (it better be correct), we have in person meetings, we have management tracking our calls, we have managers breathing down our necks for field days (even during covid), we get tested, we get certified, we sign our names away on incentive compensation plans, we must memorize and follow direction to the exact word , we get ranked weekly against each other...........................do y'all make a better salary?

This is a BIG BUCKS position. I have no idea what they do all day. The way you get this job is a process.You first move to Chicago. While you are there you develop a slight mental retardation. Then you become the assistant to the assistant of the guy who brings bagels in the morning. You do that for 6 months and you get this job.

This is a BIG BUCKS position. I have no idea what they do all day. The way you get this job is a process.You first move to Chicago. While you are there you develop a slight mental retardation. Then you become the assistant to the assistant of the guy who brings bagels in the morning. You do that for 6 months and you get this job.
Sure as shootin, big buckaroonies, Tex!!!

This is exactly what has ruined the company. You put the money in the people that bring you the money. When I am told that my manager or my director is coming out of Northbrook, I know it’s not going to be good

This is a BIG BUCKS position. I have no idea what they do all day. The way you get this job is a process.You first move to Chicago. While you are there you develop a slight mental retardation. Then you become the assistant to the assistant of the guy who brings bagels in the morning. You do that for 6 months and you get this job.

You are a go. All you do is deliver lunch so you qualify.

The Northbrook Managed Care Ladies Club needs to be shutdown. Useless windbags focused solely on internal politics rather than doing their jobs. Long overdue for a refresh.

Managed markets team couldn't negotiate their way out of a paper bag with the payers, not too much you can do launching a drug with zero coverage, but oh hey everyone...just go out there and make it happen..and btw we have these fantastic tear sheets.... righhhhhht....