What am I missing???


Came across this article that has the investors knickers all in a bunch.

Mallinckrodt's sales growth has accelerated for three straight quarters, jumping 63% to $909.9 million in the latest period on strong demand for its Acthar Gel, a treatment for multiple sclerosis, and its pain drug Ofirmev. Both drugs were acquired through acquisitions last year.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing...wo-top-stocks-shaping-bases.htm#ixzz3ad1PKOG8
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What am I missing? Who are we selling all this wonderful stuff to?

Came across this article that has the investors knickers all in a bunch.

Mallinckrodt's sales growth has accelerated for three straight quarters, jumping 63% to $909.9 million in the latest period on strong demand for its Acthar Gel, a treatment for multiple sclerosis, and its pain drug Ofirmev. Both drugs were acquired through acquisitions last year.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing...wo-top-stocks-shaping-bases.htm#ixzz3ad1PKOG8
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

What am I missing? Who are we selling all this wonderful stuff to?

OMG. DO you even have one brain cell?

I think the previous poster was being very much sarcastic. That's how I interpreted it and also wondered what the heck do these analysts see. They're all touting increasing revenue and growth but nowhere do they mention the price increases driving it all.

I saw the article too and thought to myself with everyone, okay make that most reps struggling with sales how can they say demand has been increasing for Acthar AND Ofirmev??

Financial sites are speculating something happening June Or July this year. Would make sense, the IRS 2 year wait is up and no additional taxes would need to be paid.