What a joke


Did I really witness a rep using a detail piece of yours that compares using topamax to using a desktop computer or a flip phone? You guys are selling in speciality offices, you are not selling cell phone upgrades at Verizon. Please stop embarrassing yourselves!

Embarrassing ourselves? You mean like launching a generic and a brand at the same time? Or maybe you mean lying to physicians about coverage and cost? No? Then you must be talking about copying dosing cards and copay programs from the competition. At the end of the day what we are doing is working regardless of what some rep from another company thinks.

  • No one   Nov 12, 2015 at 03:02: PM
Did I really witness a rep using a detail piece of yours that compares using topamax to using a desktop computer or a flip phone? You guys are selling in speciality offices, you are not selling cell phone upgrades at Verizon. Please stop embarrassing yourselves!
What you witnessed was what a real sales rep looks like! Let me guess, you probably just talk about yourself and the HCP about their hobbies while never talking about your product. Your too stupid worrying other companies and how they get results when you need to focus on what your doing. Stop embarrassing yourself by worrying about what others are doing.

All of those responding are obviously new reps and have no idea what clinical selling looks like. I don't sell anything that competes with any of your products but I witnessed a very immature sales rep using these silly anologies and my doc was quite annoyed by it. Your marketing people are leading you all to slaughter if you are following their message to compare your drug to flip phones and desktop computers. I know all too well how hard selling an extended release generic can be but please learn to sell clinically and not using silly gimicks.

Thanks for the advice concerned Shire rep. We are doing just fine over here. If "your doc" is annoyed, oh well. What we are doing is working so forgive me if I follow our sales leadership and not some career rep from another company

All of those responding are obviously new reps and have no idea what clinical selling looks like. I don't sell anything that competes with any of your products but I witnessed a very immature sales rep using these silly anologies and my doc was quite annoyed by it. Your marketing people are leading you all to slaughter if you are following their message to compare your drug to flip phones and desktop computers. I know all too well how hard selling an extended release generic can be but please learn to sell clinically and not using silly gimicks.

Ha, this guy ^. He's just trying to help us get better at our jobs, give him a break.

I can attest that these silly gimmicks are suggested and are often laughed at. Keep in mind that Supernus hired only non-pharma/medical reps so it was a simple comparison for the company to use to help their reps. Most new reps, after a day in the field, realize that dumbing it down benefits no one. As a specialty rep, your best course is to stay clinical with data that supports the company's findings - IF you have it. Speaking about tolerability using Topamax PI isn't the best way to achieve this. Unfortunately, many new reps use these analogies in the wrong instances where it might be acceptable with a front desk/gate keeper. Doctors don't go through many years of schooling to hear comparisons to flip phones from 20 or 30 somethings.

What is more worrisome is the number of responses the original poster received. When Supernus reps or RD's respond so defiantly and aggressively, it sends two messages: 1 ) What you said really bothers me and I need to or must respond 2) You (as an employee) are not open to other's opinions and ideas about how to approach a customer or go after the specialty market. Neither of these responses suggest that the responding individuals are confident in what they do or mature enough to recognize an opportunity to make a change or, at the very least, be open to change. Unfortunately, this, in a nutshell, is the attitude and culture at Supernus.

wow if getting 3 responses to a post on CP is "what's most worrisome" what does your 2 page soliloquy rank as?
Pretty funny if you scan through the posts on here over time...
1st it was our people suck, then it was our products suck, then it was our business model that was outdated. 3 years in we are the fastest growing Pharma/bio tech in North America and now it's "your immature, close minded, and selling the wrong way". can't wait to hear the next one!

As a stockholder, I say ROCK ON Supernus! You can talk flips and "silly analogies" all day long every day! It surely beats "Hi Doctor, (while twisting your blonde hair and chewing bubble gum ) how are you today? Just remember to try... I left your coffee in the break room." And were those the 6" or 8" stilletos?

As a stockholder, I say ROCK ON Supernus! You can talk flips and "silly analogies" all day long every day! It surely beats "Hi Doctor, (while twisting your blonde hair and chewing bubble gum ) how are you today? Just remember to try... I left your coffee in the break room." And were those the 6" or 8" stilletos?
^^^^Absolutely BEST post ever and a direct bullseye lol, who over you are you're realistic and to the point.