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What a disaster the HCV division is


Yes, Abbvie has the approach that this is a primary care type model. They bring in Jerry Acuff and he says "Relationships change your life". However, Abbvie doesn't really want to pay the experienced people with relationships. That is OK. In a free market some other employer will. Abbvie legacy people are nice but they only look for opportunities internally. If you leave for a better opportunity you are labeled a "problem" or a "complainer".
This division has created its own issues from the start. It will have major challenges in this market. How do you build relationships on moderbia and orasure?? Ask jerry "is this bringing value that helps build relationships?

Where is HR on this debacle?! They should be investigating the work environment for toxic management behavior! This is DISGRACEFUL!!! Abbott Retiree & Shareholder

Some managers love to create an atmosphere of fear of retaliation so rep's will be afraid to go to HR. I am not sure if any of the HR departments in pharma really care any way. They are more about protecting the company rather than doing the right thing. They just move managers from one place to the next so they can get the manager out of the current toxic environment they have created. Better to put their heads in the sand so as to avoid lawsuits etc.

This thread is ridiculous! Sure, there are issues like stupid metrics, field coaching reports, new managers trying to prove themselves. The marketing is a bit of a disaster, as they continue to screw everything up that they touch, like Moderiba, and Oraquick. They never tell you what's going on with speakers and the MSL's are terrible. But in all honesty, it's not that much different than most companies. Most of the people are good folks and get along. There isn't a lot of backstabbing, the leadership is a nice group of people and I like my manager and regional. There are a lot worse places to work, and this HCV division is a huge step up from my former division in rhuem.

This thread is ridiculous! Sure, there are issues like stupid metrics, field coaching reports, new managers trying to prove themselves. The marketing is a bit of a disaster, as they continue to screw everything up that they touch, like Moderiba, and Oraquick. They never tell you what's going on with speakers and the MSL's are terrible. But in all honesty, it's not that much different than most companies. Most of the people are good folks and get along. There isn't a lot of backstabbing, the leadership is a nice group of people and I like my manager and regional. There are a lot worse places to work, and this HCV division is a huge step up from my former division in rhuem.

Yes, I heard that it is far worse to work in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and many third world countries. I thank my lucky stars every day that I don't work there. Thanks, AbbVie, for being so swell and not beating me on the head with a real bat to give you better metrics, although sometimes those incessant virtual bats feel purty bad that come at me on the laptop, phone and in telecoms. You are the best. I bet if you do a lot of advertising in Forbes this year, they may vote you as one of the bestest places to work in America. I hope you have some money left after all the recent expenditures.

This thread is ridiculous! Sure, there are issues like stupid metrics, field coaching reports, new managers trying to prove themselves. The marketing is a bit of a disaster, as they continue to screw everything up that they touch, like Moderiba, and Oraquick. They never tell you what's going on with speakers and the MSL's are terrible. But in all honesty, it's not that much different than most companies. Most of the people are good folks and get along. There isn't a lot of backstabbing, the leadership is a nice group of people and I like my manager and regional. There are a lot worse places to work, and this HCV division is a huge step up from my former division in rhuem.

OMG! Wait till we launch our regimen and nobody writes for it! We will see how nice your manager and regional treat you. Oh by the way, HQ will blame Sales for the disaster! How are your Moderiba sales rufus?

They'll understand and lower the expectations if needed. Don't panic newbie.

WTF! You think the big boys in HQ won't throw you under the tank!!! They are out for only themselves and will fu** you over until you are fired! Trust me that is the mentality of our "leaders"! Look at their track record! Don't trust anyone and look to get out ASAP!

They'll understand and lower the expectations if needed. Don't panic newbie.

Hardy har har har. So, the reason so many reps were initially hired, i'm guessing, was so that AbbVie could pick out the biggest suckup, scammers who will make their numbers, no matter what magic they do ( even if it is black magic) and then AbbVie will trash the rest. This will only be after those poor souls are marked with various scarlet letters " T "as in troublemakers, "C "as in complainers, "W" as in whiners and worse than all the above "Q" as in question askers. In otherwords, people who won't take orders and follow the Pied Pipers of North Chicago. Soon, you will be compared to the suckups who seem to magically do it all, you will be shamed, berated and treated basically like doo doo, if all things go as my crystal ball shows. I base my crystal ball's readout on the age old adage that history repeats itself. So unless you are well versed in conniving,scamming, backstabbing and screwing it would probably be best to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Just a conjecture after consulting the magic 8 ball.

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