What’s the plan?


April 12th vote day almost here...
In a perfect world if you have the choice of either staying on and working in the new organization or cashing out completely with the severance/separation and everything accumulated thus far which do you do and why?

To avoid identifying myself, I won't give exact numbers but I am top 1%. I seldom ever don't make the trip. I have greatly enjoyed the equity awards, especially in the 2008-2012 years. Those awards were transformational to my wealth and elevated me to a place in society that I was unlikely to have come to without finding Celgene. As much as I loved this place until the Novartis types took over, just after Jackie left - I hope to be let go. I am in sales and no one wants to work for managers who think that fake enthusiasm and quick talking on stage substitute for leadership. I used to be asked to go maximize, legally and ethically, sales. Now I am tracked on activity. Time to go.

To avoid identifying myself, I won't give exact numbers but I am top 1%. I seldom ever don't make the trip. I have greatly enjoyed the equity awards, especially in the 2008-2012 years. Those awards were transformational to my wealth and elevated me to a place in society that I was unlikely to have come to without finding Celgene. As much as I loved this place until the Novartis types took over, just after Jackie left - I hope to be let go. I am in sales and no one wants to work for managers who think that fake enthusiasm and quick talking on stage substitute for leadership. I used to be asked to go maximize, legally and ethically, sales. Now I am tracked on activity. Time to go.

You are a joke, good luck getting a job.

To avoid identifying myself, I won't give exact numbers but I am top 1%. I seldom ever don't make the trip. I have greatly enjoyed the equity awards, especially in the 2008-2012 years. Those awards were transformational to my wealth and elevated me to a place in society that I was unlikely to have come to without finding Celgene. As much as I loved this place until the Novartis types took over, just after Jackie left - I hope to be let go. I am in sales and no one wants to work for managers who think that fake enthusiasm and quick talking on stage substitute for leadership. I used to be asked to go maximize, legally and ethically, sales. Now I am tracked on activity. Time to go.
Pompous fool you are!

the severance package is amazing- BUT we make a lot more money in bonuses and contests than many other companies. And then the stocks- incredible! Will all that change under BMS... we don’t know yet. So to take the severance, pocket a good chunk and land a new job within 6 months would be fantastic. Or what if nothing this good comes again with the bonuses and contests and stocks. I’d like to sit tight and give BMS a try.

I just got promoted.

They won't readjust my focus bonuses or grant me the equity I would have made 2nd half of 2019.

In addition, the grant for all rsu's last year cost me 1700 dollars in equity so far. And if Bristol stock doubles that number will be around 8 grand.

If this is the start of it all... I'd say we're going to get ripped off.

I'm a little resentful toward how stupid celgene leadership has been. Our culture has gone down hill the passed 3 years.

I'm looking at the promotion now for what it is... A way for celgene to use me for another 6 months before Bristol comes in to use the numbers from my former position to tell me I'm not entitled to what all the other people my pay level make.

Thanks for nothing alles. I hope you spend a huge chunk of your 60 million severance on cocaine and o.d. in a pool of your own piss.

Clearly you're a user with your shaky demeanour and impulsive behavior.

Meaning... Hocking our company at a near all time low p/e ratio to a company that's going to get killed by keytruda.

I just got promoted.

They won't readjust my focus bonuses or grant me the equity I would have made 2nd half of 2019.

In addition, the grant for all rsu's last year cost me 1700 dollars in equity so far. And if Bristol stock doubles that number will be around 8 grand.

If this is the start of it all... I'd say we're going to get ripped off.

I'm a little resentful toward how stupid celgene leadership has been. Our culture has gone down hill the passed 3 years.

I'm looking at the promotion now for what it is... A way for celgene to use me for another 6 months before Bristol comes in to use the numbers from my former position to tell me I'm not entitled to what all the other people my pay level make.

Thanks for nothing alles. I hope you spend a huge chunk of your 60 million severance on cocaine and o.d. in a pool of your own piss.

Clearly you're a user with your shaky demeanour and impulsive behavior.

Meaning... Hocking our company at a near all time low p/e ratio to a company that's going to get killed by keytruda.

If you JUST got promoted, why would an award that was granted BEFORE you were promoted by adjusted?
Why would LAST year's RSU grant be affected by a promotion you got THIS year?

People like you are spoiled, whining, little bitches who exhaust all of your personal capital. Look around.

Because the grants given earlier this year reflected the grants I would have been entitled to at the end of the year

It's not my fault the CEO and bod sold us now is it?

So why then shouldn't I be able to get an adjusted focus bonus and equity award when they granted everything early.

Was it my fault it was early? No.

I'm not being whiney. I want the stuff that everyone else got. Instead of taking a position that's more stress and not being compensated fully to do it.

Unless of course I'm not understanding how those grants work.

Is it back loaded or front loaded?

Meaning, is the grant I got this year based on last year. Or is the grant I got prepaid for this year.

If it's from last year I am complaining about something that isn't even necessary to complain about. If it's from this year then they're taking food out of my mouth.

I've got kids and a spouse to support. Not sure why anyone would bag on me for wanting to maximize my pay.

Because the grants given earlier this year reflected the grants I would have been entitled to at the end of the year

It's not my fault the CEO and bod sold us now is it?

So why then shouldn't I be able to get an adjusted focus bonus and equity award when they granted everything early.

Was it my fault it was early? No.

I'm not being whiney. I want the stuff that everyone else got. Instead of taking a position that's more stress and not being compensated fully to do it.

Unless of course I'm not understanding how those grants work.

Is it back loaded or front loaded?

Meaning, is the grant I got this year based on last year. Or is the grant I got prepaid for this year.

If it's from last year I am complaining about something that isn't even necessary to complain about. If it's from this year then they're taking food out of my mouth.

I've got kids and a spouse to support. Not sure why anyone would bag on me for wanting to maximize my pay.

I got shafted in the same way, it’s unfortunate but Intresting to remember that we had an email informing us of a long list of promotions to directors just before the grant was announced....they would have had the increased reward in the knowledge that is mere people would not get it. Have you specifically asked about this?
There was a big enough difference in the award that it’s worth asking about.
Also does our guarantee of ‘similar level’ compensation apply for the new role or is it on our the average of the last few years? There is a lot to ask but it’s lrobably limited to a only a few people that we will not be represented.

Don't conflate the near criminal activity of leadership with your grants. I detest leadership and how they manipulated their severances, but that has zero to do with yours.

Grants are not for last years work. They are pre-loads for the upcoming year. Any grant or focus bonus you got before you were promoted should not be subjected to an after the fact adjustment.

Everything I've read says BMS doesn't give equity awards unless you're in the upper tier.

They pay more and give bigger bonuses, and they have a scaling retirement match that's based on age and years of service. Mind you they did this to replace their pension plan back in 2012.

There was a big enough difference in the award that it’s worth asking about.
Also does our guarantee of ‘similar level’ compensation apply for the new role or is it on our the average of the last few years? There is a lot to ask but it’s lrobably limited to a only a few people that we will not be represented.

This is my worry too. I was supposed to make just over 100k with this promotion including the equity. The equity was double what I made in my previous position.

Everything I've read about my position says it only pays 90k. So that's why I feel like the job might not be worth it, they're going to screw me out of the extra 12k because "I didn't receive it last year" I can just feel it. And that'll turn a 10k loss versus my peers into a 22k loss versus my peers

per the Severance Agreement, you get one more equity award. If it's "materially" less than your target (like zero), then you can raise your hand and take the severance.

Bottom line, unless you are an Associate Director or above, you get no equity at BMY

We had it good in Celgene, it just can’t be better anywhere else....never mind BMS.

I did hear that they do give options above a certain grade (and I don’t mean just director roles) and they also reward top performers with options. But I don’t think it’ll ever come close to matching Celgene’s.