You guys liking KK for a manager? I hear a couple of reps are on medical leave. Stress? How are VR's numbers?
Can you really take medical leave for stress, shit I think I need to look onto that.
Yes you can go out on short term disability for stress, anxiety, depression. You may be able to get 4-8 weeks out of it. Go to the Dr. And they will help you. Use the time to look for a job.
her and her minions, as paraphrased below
If you are hiring a psychopath you will get pathological lying. You will get grandiose sense of self.
Oh my God, you're describing my boss.
Of course, most bosses aren't horrendous enough to deserve an actual diagnosis of psychopathy.
A person is considered a psychopath if they score very high on an evaluation that looks at four factors and finds that they are particularly manipulative, without remorse or empathy, live a deviant lifestyle and are antisocial.
The not-so-nice name is the abusive boss. They tend to be offensive because they're not polished.
These are the bosses who scold people in public, don't handle stress well and aren't always fair.
They have more influence and they're more likely to bully and intimidate and ruin other people.
Taking credit for others' work
they get their loyal workers to do the work, rather than doing it themselves. But
In the end, they will find that something has gone really badly amiss