West vs Ortho McNeill and Walter Pascale


Can anyone tell me more about Mr West and his lawsuit against Walter Pascale? I believe this happened up in Chicago a few years back. I need to know before I make decisions myself. This dude appears to be pretty scary!!!

You know what you saw and read about Pascale. I can tell you firsthand, WALTER PASCALE is as evil as that lawsuit against him described. He will set you up and take you down. His leaving McNeill was mutually agreed upon. HE HAD TO GO after what he did and how much he cost the company. Look somewhere else for a job. It isn't worth the agony you will go thru to work for him. He is borderline psychotic. You would be working for one of the biggest assholes you could ever work for. TRUST ME!

You are all crazy. The West case was a slam dunk for J&J. West broke so many compliance rules, and the company was cleared of any wrong doing. They deposed everyone on his team, and ALL stood up for Walter. One of the best managers I ever worked for!!

You are all crazy. The West case was a slam dunk for J&J. West broke so many compliance rules, and the company was cleared of any wrong doing. They deposed everyone on his team, and ALL stood up for Walter. One of the best managers I ever worked for!!

Seriously, Walter? A compliance nightmare?
Listen, we lost a lot of money at J&J/Ortho b/c of how Walter harassed this guy. Why do you think Pascale had to leave Ortho? The case went way up the courts, and the courts sided with them. Pascale created a hostile work environment and this guy won. HE WON against us. Pascale took this same act to Sanofi and Forest and is now doing the same thing at his new place, Theravance. At sanofi, they all knew he was an asshole. Forest was just the same.
Look I know Theravance is trying to hire. However, haul trash instead. Become a night watchman. Clean scabs off homeless people. Do anything else but work for that guy. Pascale is a POS! Believe me, I know better than anyone. I know about this case because I was there. I saw it firsthand. WE LOST. When "Walter" says the company was cleared of wrongdoing, all he means is it was settled out of court, right Walter? By the way, 2 people stood up for Walter to our RSD. The team wanted him gone.

When will Theravance realize they have no one in leadership anymore at the company? This place is a toxic nightmare. I want out, but can't find any place that pays. What a shithole Wally has created!

When is our dumbshit leadership going to admit that Pascale is the most fucked up leader a company can have? We need to somehow let Frank P know how this guy is no leader. Just look at what he did at his other companies. WE all know he is a nightmare. Our stock is in the tank!!!!! Pasqualone, WAKE UP!

So true! Frank, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS IGNORAMOUS YOU HAVE LEADING US! Are you this stupid that you don't see the company going in the tank? Maybe you are just as big a failure as Wally???

BTW, one more thing. I am home today at noon looking for another job. Most of the company is doing the same thing. We know you are selling off all our Theravances medicines as quick as they come out. This place isn't worth staying at anymore.

"Don't believe the insemination stories..."???

Walter, I was also at McNeill when you were busted for what you did to Edward. Besides, it's all on the internet. Anyone can look it up and see. You had your lawyers try to cover it up, but it went all the way to the top courts, and they reversed your cover up. You were found guilty of harassment.
You can deny, but you and I both know how much we lost! It's why you lost your job for goodness sake. Nice try.....

We are doomed here at Theravance. Did anyone see the earnings report? WE HAVE NO SALES of YUPELRI in the HOSPITAL!!!!! Frank was dodging this question from the investors like a rabbit running from a fox. I guess they overpaid me for my efforts over the past few years. time to move on, though. Theravance sucks.