We're kidding, right? Vaccine Account Managers?


An absolute comedy of a role. Let's breakdown this down:

1. We have Acct Managers who, generally speaking, lead contracting initiatives with payers covering a wide array of PC and certain specialty products
2. We have OAMs who lead contracting initiatives with payers for Oncology
3. We have Specialty AMs who lead this area for all other Specialty Care products...except...you got it, all together now, Prevnar.

So, the company creates this role- VAM- to drive one single product with payers who already have three other AMs breathing down their face. The VAMs aren't actually doing the selling in the hospitals as the IS team is doing that. WTF is this role about and why in the good name of Uncle Charley do we have it? Reassign the single point duty of this job to another AM, even a CAD for Pete's sake, and jettison this role as you do with camper waste.


sounds like another pfizer drone afraid to lose their job. therefore, they take a shot a vaccines. i have news for you. we are here and we are not going to budge. get used to it. if you don't like it, go fuck yourself. have a nice day.

Comedy of a role is right! The above poser, err, I mean poster acts as though we need VAMs. We're surrounded by morons who only look at protecting their turf and not what's best for the org.

Comedy of a role is right! The above poser, err, I mean poster acts as though we need VAMs. We're surrounded by morons who only look at protecting their turf and not what's best for the org.

The problem is these VAM's know nothing about billing and reimbursement in in-patient or out-patient Medicare Part B. They are assuming that Part B is the same as commercial reimbursement and what information they have received about the differences in billing/reimbursement are coming from a few knowledgeable IS reps. VAMs are being educated by IS reps, another reason they are not needed.

VAM=Vial Account Management

Oh please. If you can count the vials...you are in!

You went to college to count vials?! I learned to count in kindergarten...if not sooner!

Vile position if you ask me...or any college graduate!

Here's to accurate counting!

VAM=Vial Account Management

Oh please. If you can count the vials...you are in!

You went to college to count vials?! I learned to count in kindergarten...if not sooner!

Vile position if you ask me...or any college graduate!

Here's to accurate counting!

They give doctorates degrees in pharmacy for counting, you know?

Backfilling promoted DBM's former territories

What is the current status of the recently promoted DBM's former territories? Any phone screens/face-to-face interviews being conducted or they on hold due to FDA postponement of NDA?

Re: Backfilling promoted DBM's former territories

What is the current status of the recently promoted DBM's former territories? Any phone screens/face-to-face interviews being conducted or they on hold due to FDA postponement of NDA?

i think you are confused- there is no "FDA postponement of FDA" with Prevnar 13. We have approval for Adults 50 plus, we are just waiting for ACIP recommendations (standard with vaccines). i think you are thinking of Eliquis? Eliquis will be handled by our Primary Care folks.

The VAM role has become an obvious area to cut. The duplication of work with other AMs is to obvious for even a 1st grader to miss. Even more, the entire division should be rolled up into the PCBU. Most VAMs Came from TSRs and have no clue what they are doing with account types. CGC should own this product for contracting.

This position was created by folks who want to build their own dynasty. It's important to have a lot of people reporting to you so that when the cuts come, you can sacrifice a few and still have enough reports to keep your own position viable. There isn't anybody-even honest VAMs themselves-who really believe this position brings any value to the company.

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