Wellspect Healthcare is not a company you want to work for. Nikki McCormick has singlehandedly destroyed what once was a good corporate culture. Managers leave within 2 years and field sales turnover is 25-30%. While there are good and enthusiastic people at Wellspect, Nikki McCormick will eventually destroy their desire to remain. She is a bully, has no soul and should have been removed many years ago. HR at Dentslply is non responsive to her dictatorial style and eventual lawsuits over McCormick's activities will eventually result in high settlements and her firing if there is such a thing as Karma! If you are called by a recruiter or are interested in working for her, you need to move on as you will regret your decision if hired. Nikki McCormick is a real detriment to this company and needs to return to England ASAP!