Well, well, well, Waterboarding isn't necessary

How would you know? Are you now pretending to be a CIA confidant? Oh, of course, you know because the Obamadrones tell you so. Got it.

Why do we still have Gitmo? Hmm?

Just more of your false and misleading assertions again.

It is what we have come to expect from you.

'Got it.'


Really? You have proof? Is Gitmo closed?

Isn't it funny that you provide no support for the op, and from your first post you've gone personal. Way to support your fellow demoturds.

lol where's the potential for rational discussion? I thought it would be a little better after the place closed down for a while. The OP brings up a valid point regarding torture, and the response is a hilarious non-sequitur?
Hey, we're all Americans and in the eyes of the world, we are supposed to be better. Even if torture worked once, it's worth noting that in various cases where it wasn't used, there is evidence that more intel was gained. It's understood that you want to put what you feel are Obama's shortcomings with regard to promises, but, is it even relevant given the OP? It kind of smacks of "well, I have nothing to say that could put a dent in what he said, so I'll just claim that the sky is made of bricks".

Really? You have proof? Is Gitmo closed?

Isn't it funny that you provide no support for the op, and from your first post you've gone personal. Way to support your fellow demoturds.

Where is your proof/support for yet another wild ASSertion by you that there is waterboarding going on at Gitmo?

You are really bad at this and only getting worse.

Delta Bravo.

lol where's the potential for rational discussion? I thought it would be a little better after the place closed down for a while. The OP brings up a valid point regarding torture, and the response is a hilarious non-sequitur?
Hey, we're all Americans and in the eyes of the world, we are supposed to be better. Even if torture worked once, it's worth noting that in various cases where it wasn't used, there is evidence that more intel was gained. It's understood that you want to put what you feel are Obama's shortcomings with regard to promises, but, is it even relevant given the OP? It kind of smacks of "well, I have nothing to say that could put a dent in what he said, so I'll just claim that the sky is made of bricks".
Seriously? The op IS the non-sequitur. The op uses an N of one to declare his theory valid, and you bought in. This is exactly how the likes of the empty suited clown that occupies the white house got elected. How do you expect this board to be any better with analysis like yours.

Seriously? The op IS the non-sequitur. The op uses an N of one to declare his theory valid, and you bought in. This is exactly how the likes of the empty suited clown that occupies the white house got elected. How do you expect this board to be any better with analysis like yours.

how many instances of torture have been conclusively proven to extract relevant or truthful intel? They claim that it has but have never offered up proof. Either way, we are still Americans and torture is something less civilized countries do. Plain and simple. If you are pro-torture, I would argue that you are on some level, un-American. Bush and Co. have opened the door to our troops being tortured if captured. We once held the high ground, no more.

how many instances of torture have been conclusively proven to extract relevant or truthful intel? They claim that it has but have never offered up proof. Either way, we are still Americans and torture is something less civilized countries do. Plain and simple. If you are pro-torture, I would argue that you are on some level, un-American. Bush and Co. have opened the door to our troops being tortured if captured. We once held the high ground, no more.
Back to the topic...where's the proof that it never works or is never necessary as the op asserts? The op hasn't provided it. You haven't offered anything but your opinion. I sorry, but you supported the op's non-sequitur as fact when it is purely unfounded nonsense.

Back to the topic...where's the proof that it never works or is never necessary as the op asserts? The op hasn't provided it. You haven't offered anything but your opinion. I sorry, but you supported the op's non-sequitur as fact when it is purely unfounded nonsense.

I know that this goes against the grain in this political climate, but let history be the proof. No leader worth his salt has ever stated that torture is an effective means of getting truthful, relevant information. On the contrary, it typically produces nothing but lies given that those being tortured will say what they think the torturer wants to hear to get said torture to cease. And lest we forget, John McCain, who has been tortured viciously and has the scars to twisted limbs to prove it, is living proof of that. I will defer to his judgement on the issue as opposed to those who have never administered it or been on the receiving end. Also, various military experts, current and former, have all stated that ultimately, torture is not an effective method. This isn't political, it's simple American values and morals. I was bought up to believe that torture was vile, inhumane, and perpetrated by monsters; something that belongs in the Middle Ages and still practiced by those still living in it. That is what I was taught in the military. That's just how things are. Again, if a certain segment of our population has allowed themselves to be convinced that torture is acceptable, that is not in line with historical American values, the values that made America great.

Intel on who to track to find bin laden was gained from the methods you are against. Because one misguided person who had a bomb in his underwear that did more damage to himself than anyone else, is singing without much prodding, does not prove at all that those behind a deep, long planned, complex plot like 9/11 would share information as easily.

Different methods are needed for different people and situations.