well to be honest...


if I might speak...

Sexual harrassment and intimidation. I'm a guy, but saw this rampant in the midwest. Managers pressuring reps to have sex with them. Reps couldn't do anything about it because the HR department at [deleted] is completely worthless. There was another DM that's been called in repeatedly and HR had hard evidence against this person...nothing happened.

My advice is document everything, and record your conversations/field rides with dms. May not be admissable in court, but it's hard to lie when faced with the audio of exactly what these worthless piece-of-shit dms actually said.

Anyone feel the same here?

if I might speak...

Sexual harrassment and intimidation. I'm a guy, but saw this rampant in the midwest. Managers pressuring reps to have sex with them. Reps couldn't do anything about it because the HR department at [deleted] is completely worthless. There was another DM that's been called in repeatedly and HR had hard evidence against this person...nothing happened.

My advice is document everything, and record your conversations/field rides with dms. May not be admissable in court, but it's hard to lie when faced with the audio of exactly what these worthless piece-of-shit dms actually said.

Anyone feel the same here?

iPad and Android are everywhere. There are video pencils available taking audio (8kmp3) and vid at 720p for around 99 bucks. Just make sure all is put on media. This is how Egypt won its democracy. Lilly people can do also. Lilly cannot do anything but fire the DM or manager. You have strong point...sexism and sexual innuendo are rampant in company. The upper management will and have not cared. I reporter to HR...jsut as you said...nothing happened. This is everyday women in the company faces of not being able to convey to higer ups for losing job in this hard economy...Best thing would be to talk to a lawyer prior to posting...see what it says.