Well, I guess I am out? Part Two


After reading the OP, "Well I guess I am out", I would have to agree with the lack of professionalism and respect the hiring managers have exhibited by NOT reaching out to those who were not chosen for these, what seem to be, coveted positions. Yes. I was in the final two and NO I have not heard a word. Now telling someone they were not chosen may be a difficult conversation to have. But there are ways around that. Send an email or a text if you do not want to speak with the person live. I am okay with that. At least you have enough respect for the candidates that had to use PTO and did their due diligence in preparing for these multiple interviews. Bad karma.

After reading the OP, "Well I guess I am out", I would have to agree with the lack of professionalism and respect the hiring managers have exhibited by NOT reaching out to those who were not chosen for these, what seem to be, coveted positions. Yes. I was in the final two and NO I have not heard a word. Now telling someone they were not chosen may be a difficult conversation to have. But there are ways around that. Send an email or a text if you do not want to speak with the person live. I am okay with that. At least you have enough respect for the candidates that had to use PTO and did their due diligence in preparing for these multiple interviews. Bad karma.

Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

Thank you for the perspective. That makes sense. Good luck.

Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

Yep, Sunovion managers were the only ones to do that. Did mommy drop you on your head as a child one too many times? You didn't get the job. Move on and be happy at Sunovion for the 2 remaining years the company will be afloat. Hope that helps!

Yep, Sunovion managers were the only ones to do that. Did mommy drop you on your head as a child one too many times? You didn't get the job. Move on and be happy at Sunovion for the 2 remaining years the company will be afloat. Hope that helps!

For your information dick wad, the hiring manger I interviewed with did not come from Sunovion. The manager came from YO MAMA!

For your information dick wad, the hiring manger I interviewed with did not come from Sunovion. The manager came from YO MAMA!

Wow! You sound really intelligent. Sure disappointed we missed out on such a quality person. You did mention Sunovion managers in your rant though. Guess that was just a goof on your part. The YO MAMA jab was funny. Haven't heard that since the last time they ran a marathon of That's my Mama!

Wow! You sound really intelligent. Sure disappointed we missed out on such a quality person. You did mention Sunovion managers in your rant though. Guess that was just a goof on your part. The YO MAMA jab was funny. Haven't heard that since the last time they ran a marathon of That's my Mama![/QUOTE

Go back and read the original post. The poster did not mention Sunovion. A person who responded did with your LITTLE DICK that needs magnifying glass assistance just for you to take a piss!

Wow! You sound really intelligent. Sure disappointed we missed out on such a quality person. You did mention Sunovion managers in your rant though. Guess that was just a goof on your part. The YO MAMA jab was funny. Haven't heard that since the last time they ran a marathon of That's my Mama![/QUOTE

Go back and read the original post. The poster did not mention Sunovion. A person who responded did with your LITTLE DICK that needs magnifying glass assistance just for you to take a piss!

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

Hey "short bus". Hate to be the one to call you out but here you go. I copied the post the dummy made referencing Sunovion DMs. Nothing more annoying than a Dumb dummy! Hope that helps!

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

Hey "short bus". Hate to be the one to call you out but here you go. I copied the post the dummy made referencing Sunovion DMs. Nothing more annoying than a Dumb dummy! Hope that helps!

Oh, now I see what you mean. Thanks for helping clear things up. Sorry that I misunderstood. I had a very dumb moment and yes, that did help, thank you!

Many were told they were in the "final 2" to be considered, when in fact, if the DM knew one of the reps interviewing (like many Sunovion DM's did), you were there to satisfy HR. You never had a chance. Many were told they had the job BEFORE the panel interviews, like me. I had to go anyway, to satisfy HR, knowing all the time that my competition never had a chance. Cruel? Yes, but this is the pharma way.

And you seriously want to work for such a deceitful company? No not all pharma is this bad. Not to mention what a stupid way to waste money! Think of what t cost to interview all those fake candidates. Great business decisions. I'm sure you will be more than impressed with other crappy business decisions. I guarantee that you will see them recouping these costs in unattainable numbers. Following the money is always a bad decision to change jobs