welcome to Forest


We need all of you to begin the transition to poly blend suits or VERY short skirts. Talk about your days on the gridiron and how much you bench. Show photos of yourself in your cheerleaders uniform. If you are over 35 be prepared to get cut. Women after 28 and minorities need to know their place. Make sure you carry a large trash back to throw away all of your competitors samples. Start purchasing golf clubs and guns to give to your "friends" who happen to be your largest writers.
Welcome to the rock er I mean Forest.. the first rule is obey all rules.... our leadership will make you detailing machines, our management staff is well qualified having been a rep for 6 months and played baseball at LSU.
We may need to cut some of you smart people, you have no place in this business.


We need all of you to begin the transition to poly blend suits or VERY short skirts. Talk about your days on the gridiron and how much you bench. Show photos of yourself in your cheerleaders uniform. If you are over 35 be prepared to get cut. Women after 28 and minorities need to know their place. Make sure you carry a large trash back to throw away all of your competitors samples. Start purchasing golf clubs and guns to give to your "friends" who happen to be your largest writers.
Welcome to the rock er I mean Forest.. the first rule is obey all rules.... our leadership will make you detailing machines, our management staff is well qualified having been a rep for 6 months and played baseball at LSU.
We may need to cut some of you smart people, you have no place in this business.

Come on, Forest has always been a joke. Third rate company with fourth rate people.