We own your ass!
We own your ass!
... no you don't .... resigned 6 hours after the news came out. Not gonna work for a infant formula, nutrition bar, generics, zero technology, no visible strategic focus company....
How about Sylmar or Irvine locations? are they safe since these locations mfc products that are not overlapping with Abbot's CV products
Don't forget St. Jude's other pacer manufacturing sites, Scottsdale, Liberty, and Penang. Who will be safe and
who will not?
Poetic justice in motion..... Stooges...OUT!
Remember when JNJ cleaned the slate with Guidant and the the recalls emerged? ...coming
Trade in your cowboy hat for one with a propeller on top!
Poetic justice in motion..... Stooges...OUT!
Remember when JNJ cleaned the slate with Guidant and the the recalls emerged? ...coming
Trade in your cowboy hat for one with a propeller on top!
And the degenerates in Austin.
A few days before the merger was announced there was a restructuring that basically separated the CRM and NMD businesses, thus reversing the merge that happened back when IESD was formed several years ago. Wondering what the plan is. To make either the CRM or NMD divisions easier to break off and sell to whoever wants them?