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GLP 1 stimulate pancreas to produce and store insulin. Natural GLP 1 stays active for a few minutes. New Synthetic GLP 1 agonists last for weeks. How is it a good idea to artificially stimulate pancreas to achieve temporary weight loss? Are people concerned about pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer vs healthy population? I know placebo controls are often diabetics who have increased risk of pancreatitis.

Executives cash stock options and disappear. Lawyers stay busy.

GLP 1 stimulate pancreas to produce and store insulin. Natural GLP 1 stays active for a few minutes. New Synthetic GLP 1 agonists last for weeks. How is it a good idea to artificially stimulate pancreas to achieve temporary weight loss? Are people concerned about pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer vs healthy population? I know placebo controls are often diabetics who have increased risk of pancreatitis.

Executives cash stock options and disappear. Lawyers stay busy.
If there is a risk of pancreatitis then why would they put diabetics in the placebo controlled group? Your statement on that doesn’t make sense. I get that artificially stimulating the pancreas can’t be good long term.

...How is it a good idea to artificially stimulate pancreas to achieve temporary weight loss? Are people concerned about pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer vs healthy population? I know placebo controls are often diabetics who have increased risk of pancreatitis.
That is not the mechanism of action when it comes to weight loss. increase in B-cell secretion is helpful w T2D or pt w abnormal glucose metabolism and is glucose-dependent ( BG level), hence not the same pathway with a non diabetic/insulin resistant pt.
Data is clear when it comes to pancreatitis risk with these pts, placebo vs active groups. Look at the PI.

If there is a risk of pancreatitis then why would they put diabetics in the placebo controlled group? Your statement on that doesn’t make sense. I get that artificially stimulating the pancreas can’t be good long term.
All diabetics have increased risk of pancreatitis. If medicine vs placebo are all diabetics, increased risk of pancreatitis may not be shown in diabetic studies. Natural GLP 1 lasts for minutes. How will mega doses of very long acting synthetic GLP1 stimulating pancreas compare to heathy placebo. Pancreatitis is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Is this worth temporary weight loss?

That is not the mechanism of action when it comes to weight loss. increase in B-cell secretion is helpful w T2D or pt w abnormal glucose metabolism and is glucose-dependent ( BG level), hence not the same pathway with a non diabetic/insulin resistant pt.
Data is clear when it comes to pancreatitis risk with these pts, placebo vs active groups. Look at the PI.
It does not matter, pancreas is still artificially stimulated with mega doses of long acting GLP1. How will artificially stimulating pancreas compare to healthy populations? I guess it does not matter because executive team will have already cashed their stock options.

Natural GLP 1 lasts only for a few minutes. Newer synthetic GLP 1 lasts for weeks. Is it healthy to maximumly stimulate pancreas in otherwise healthy obese patients with mega doses of synthetic GLP 1? Pancreatitis is a risk for pancreatic cancer.

Slowed gastric emptying is a side effect and will cause temporary weight loss. Is this temporary weight loss worth the possible risk to the pancreas?

Executives cash stock options. Lawyer make money. Everyone else is fired.

Natural GLP 1 lasts only for a few minutes. Newer synthetic GLP 1 lasts for weeks. Is it healthy to maximumly stimulate pancreas in otherwise healthy obese patients with mega doses of synthetic GLP 1? Pancreatitis is a risk for pancreatic cancer.

Slowed gastric emptying is a side effect and will cause temporary weight loss. Is this temporary weight loss worth the possible risk to the pancreas?

Executives cash stock options. Lawyer make money. Everyone else is fired.

I’ve seen you post the same garbage on the Lilly board too.

Did you not invest in the companies and missed the huge financial gains?
Or are you just mad that cats won’t be fat any more?


I’ve seen you post the same garbage on the Lilly board too.

Did you not invest in the companies and missed the huge financial gains?
Or are you just mad that cats won’t be fat any more?
I know a diabetes specialist at a world renowned cancer center who avoids any medicine that stimulates the pancreas. Why artificially stimulate pancreas with synthetic mega doses for temporary weight loss? How will medicated control arms compare to otherwise healthly placebo? Millions of patients will take these medications. I hope lawyers get ready.


I’ve seen you post the same garbage on the Lilly board too.

Did you not invest in the companies and missed the huge financial gains?
Or are you just mad that cats won’t be fat any more?
Natural GLP1 lasts for minutes. Synthetic long acting GLP1 lasts for weeks. Do you think mega doses of long acting synthetic GLP1s is a good idea to stimulate healthy pancreas for temporary weight loss?


I’ve seen you post the same garbage on the Lilly board too.

Did you not invest in the companies and missed the huge financial gains?
Or are you just mad that cats won’t be fat any more?
Natural GLP1 lasts for minutes. Synthetic long acting GLP1 lasts for weeks. Do you think long term mega doses of long acting artificial GLP1 stimulating healthy pancreas is a good idea for temporary weight loss? Is the stock price the only consideration?

Natural GLP1 lasts for minutes. Synthetic long acting GLP1 lasts for weeks. Do you think mega doses of long acting synthetic GLP1s is a good idea to stimulate healthy pancreas for temporary weight loss?
in an individual with a normally-functioning pancreas and normal BG values, there is no evidence that the pancreas is being 'stimulated'. that is not the way weight loss occurs in a pt like that.

GLP1 causes the pancreas to produce and store insulin. Insulin is only released after a meal. Insulin release is glucose dependent. This has nothing to do with GLP1 also slowing gastric emptying. Millions of years of evolution has made natural GLP1 that lasts for minutes. Synthetic laboratory produced GLP1 lasts for weeks. Mega Doses of laboratory long acting GLP1 does have increased risk of Pancreatitis. Please see package insert. Pancreatitis has increased risk of pancreatic cancer. All this for temporary weight loss in otherwise healthy over weight patients?

Just eat more salads and exercise.

in an individual with a normally-functioning pancreas and normal BG values, there is no evidence that the pancreas is being 'stimulated'. that is not the way weight loss occurs in a pt like that.
Unfortunately, there is no way to separate GLP1 effects on pancreas and effects on gastric emptying. Slowed gastric emptying causes weight loss. My question is will artificially causing pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of synthetic long acting GLP1 cause any problems in otherwise healthy overweight patients vs. placebo? GLP1s have been studied since the 1980’s with diabetic patients. Diabetics have increased risk of pancreatitis. How will mega doses of long acting GLP1 compare with millions of otherwise healthy over weight patients? Medication control vs healthy placebo?