Does inventive have an issue if you work a weekend job so long as there is no conflict of interest or interference with the FT position?
Does inventive have an issue if you work a weekend job so long as there is no conflict of interest or interference with the FT position?
Why would you need to tell them? If there is no conflict of interest? This is why you are a contract rep
Does inventive have an issue if you work a weekend job so long as there is no conflict of interest or interference with the FT position?
NO you should NOT have a job on the weekends! Your weekends need to spent pre-call planning and developing strategies for the next week. You also need to review at least twice your sample inventory and correct any variances. Then you need to drive to all of the towns you cover and look for new restaurants that may be utilized to delivery lunches to your welcoming office staffs. Finally, you need to arrange all of your outfits for the next week and whiten your teeth every Sunday evening.
This is a highly professional and elite industry and only with the above commitment can you succeed and prosper.
It's none of their business. Don't tell them.