Wechsler and D'Souza


Both are idiots and dummies for leading group of a..holes in US.
Goin down man like a fly.
Both are useless and full of ego,
In 12 months both are gone as MP will suck them dry,
Then it will be know as Dan and Richard fiasco
MP will point at them as the leaders taking down everyone
Run from them as they have already ruined many lives in 3 weeks
Ask Jayme, Hayashida, McEachern and few others and they will tell you

What are the alternatives? This group with their extensive use of language?

Non-conformist thinking and willingness to stand out from the herd are useful leadership traits. There may be a leader or two among the anonymous cranks. I heard Forrest labs have a director with Vision care business experience.

Once everyone realizes that being concerned with anyone who is more than 1 layer of meaningless drivel above your immediate supervisor is a complete waste of time, we can all get back into the business of revenue generation and order fulfillment and giving the overpaid corporate execs all the rope they need to .... well, you know...... In case you haven't noticed, those people can come and go, doesn't change a thing about our day to day operating activities.