We must continue to drive ADU sales so we don't get laid off!!!


I hope we are all hustling as hard as we can. Let's move the ADU sales needle ASAP or we are doomed!!!! :(:(:(

The drug has been denied by Medicare and all insurances. Do you really think the NCD in January is going to be positive? Absolutely no way. At best, there will be heavy restrictions that will makes things even worse. This has been a nightmare from the beginning. Biogen does not give two shits about you and have no problem saying bye bye to anyone. It is all smoke and mirrors right now.

It's difficult to have too much sympathy for any dummy that signed on to sell that turd, knowing full well what you were up against. Any clear thinking person knew it didn't work, wouldn't work and was going to be one of the biggest flops in history. Your greed outpaced your common sense. How the heck do you explain that to future employers? Your judgment is suspect.

It's difficult to have too much sympathy for any dummy that signed on to sell that turd, knowing full well what you were up against. Any clear thinking person knew it didn't work, wouldn't work and was going to be one of the biggest flops in history. Your greed outpaced your common sense. How the heck do you explain that to future employers? Your judgment is suspect.

Coming from someone that has no life and spends time on a thread that doesn't work here. Look in the mirror. YOU have real psychological problems and should seek help immediately. Yes, we all know you were rejected during the interview and have been harboring those nasty feelings for over a year now. Please seek help for yourself so you don't hurt yourself or others.

Coming from someone that has no life and spends time on a thread that doesn't work here. Look in the mirror. YOU have real psychological problems and should seek help immediately. Yes, we all know you were rejected during the interview and have been harboring those nasty feelings for over a year now. Please seek help for yourself so you don't hurt yourself or others.

Are you drunk? Why are you still here, holding out hope for something that will never come? This drug is not only an embarrassment to this company, it is an embarrassment to this industry. You sound like all of those idiots who used to work for Purdue selling opioids that were killing millions of people. The company kept selling the BS that opioids weren’t really addictive. Now look at what has come out, after the fact. Blood is on the hands of those reps.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid dude. The longer you stay, the worse it looks on your resume. How are you going to field the interview question about why you “didn’t get out earlier?”
