I am sad for so many great people! I left not too long ago. I can’t help but remember Marv holding a WebEx for those retained in Feb where he addressed rumors of another layoff in June. I remember him laughing it off and citing the Shionogi contract.
Don’t listen to everyone on this board telling you that you’re now doomed because you have Purdue on your resume! That’s ridiculous! Seriously though make your resumes and LinkedIn profiles look great! Use your network (and those you know who may know someone) to get your resume seen, this is how most positions are filled. You’ll be surprised how much people will want to help you! It’s a small world and we all know that it can happen to us just as easily, don’t be afraid to ask! I know I’m telling you things you already know! Good luck to all of you!
It was a good ride for a long time and then it just got strange, lol!