We bought Medtox

oh those poor people at Medtox.

Probably a small, proud organization. Probably believing LabCorp will invest in their infrastructure and really take them over the top in terms of quality and service.


Run people. Run far. Run fast.


Here is what will help Medtox: the extensive PSC network that LabCorp owns. What will hurt is how much can LabCorp consolidate into existing operations. This will kill what made Medtox what it was in the first place. I suspect LabCorp will also kill the capped charges to the patient Medtox employed. After all why leave a cent on the table?

Okay we bought MedTox. How are we going to screw that lab up and lose their clients?

Isn't MedTox the lab that LabCorp has been sending its UDS reference work to for detection of Bath Salts and K2?
LabCorp has been working on coming up with a new UDS report that is more like those being offered by Ameritox and other labs who are serious about UDS. Do you think that LabCorp will not quit buying the POCT that they have been selling and go with the POCT cups that MedTox pushes?
Has anyone seen the reports that MedTox provides and how they compare to those from other labs?


When will labcorp lay off all of the medtox employees? labcorp only growths through acquisition and its slow growth since so much business is lost afterward.

Totally different situtation. You didn't see LabCorp referencing work out to Millennium Laboratories. MedTox is a better pain management lab than OTS. Even LabCorp's people will tell you that the customer service people at OTS suck and are rude. Not to mention that their service sucks compared to the competition.

I have news for everyone. The King who runs LCA has no intention of keeping any of the people at MedTox. He will LIE to your face and get you from behind. He has no ethics and not a honest bone in his body. The same goes for the rest of his fellow LCA attorneys and Sr. Execs. They all sold there soul to the devil long ago. Get out while you can, and don't let them have you lie to your clients!

NMS Labs is the industry leader for designer drug testing discovery. Take a look at them for K2 and bath salts testing ... you don't want to be using a test that is obsolete .... many tests are outdated so you could waste time and money to get no positive results.

MedTox employees would sell their services buy having the prospect call the customer service line for both LabCorp and MedTox...try it while the customer service still reflects MedTox.

Just like every lab we have bought. Eliminate the duplicates in Sales, Operations and management. Soon as possible put the Sales folks on our Compensation Plan. Better run if you were making any money. LabCorp will blow it up and ruin what worked for you guys. It is just what they do.

Stopped your whining. Do a good job and bring in the numbers and you can keep your job!

check out the inside trading and stock redemption reports. The upper management turned in their MedTox stock options for millions each in late summer 2012. I will guess that LabCorp does not treat their mid managers like that. Note the names are not on the MedTox executive listing anymore. They are laughing all the way to...wherever they want to go.

Totally different situtation. You didn't see LabCorp referencing work out to Millennium Laboratories. MedTox is a better pain management lab than OTS. Even LabCorp's people will tell you that the customer service people at OTS suck and are rude. Not to mention that their service sucks compared to the competition.

Is it totally different...look who is making all the hires in Minnesota.....North Carolina, Ya all.
The culture has already started to change but not before the officers left with a cash in of their stocks of between 2 and 5 million.....in Mid 2012.