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We are going bankrupt.


2021- 52.87 Billion
2020- 49.89 Billion
2019- 48.67 Billion

Operating Expenses
2021- 41.18 Billion
2020- 39.74 Billion
2019- 39.59 Billion

Business performance factor (Bonus multiplier)
2021- 1.02 HA!
2020- 1.00 Covid excuse!
2019- 1.3

This company is headed to insolvency. We are broke I tell you. BROKE.

Don't like your IC? Not happy about bonuses being down? Not happy about wages being flat? Shut up. This is the greatest culture in the world. Twice as many patients. Twice as fast;). #Sheep #Coolaide.


2021- 52.87 Billion
2020- 49.89 Billion
2019- 48.67 Billion

Operating Expenses
2021- 41.18 Billion
2020- 39.74 Billion
2019- 39.59 Billion

Business performance factor (Bonus multiplier)
2021- 1.02 HA!
2020- 1.00 Covid excuse!
2019- 1.3

This company is headed to insolvency. We are broke I tell you. BROKE.

Don't like your IC? Not happy about bonuses being down? Not happy about wages being flat? Shut up. This is the greatest culture in the world. Twice as many patients. Twice as fast;). #Sheep #Coolaide.

2021- 52.87 Billion
2020- 49.89 Billion
2019- 48.67 Billion

Operating Expenses
2021- 41.18 Billion
2020- 39.74 Billion
2019- 39.59 Billion

Business performance factor (Bonus multiplier)
2021- 1.02 HA!
2020- 1.00 Covid excuse!
2019- 1.3

This company is headed to insolvency. We are broke I tell you. BROKE.

Don't like your IC? Not happy about bonuses being down? Not happy about wages being flat? Shut up. This is the greatest culture in the world. Twice as many patients. Twice as fast;). #Sheep #Coolaide.

In a bad year Novartis makes 8 billion in profit...far cry from bankrupt. And is sitting on lots of cash. Not that our idiot CEO hasn't wasted some of it with an in office cholesterol shot that has generic oral competition and 2 other decent self injectables that don't even do 1 billion in revenue together...but I digress

2021- 52.87 Billion
2020- 49.89 Billion
2019- 48.67 Billion

Operating Expenses
2021- 41.18 Billion
2020- 39.74 Billion
2019- 39.59 Billion

Business performance factor (Bonus multiplier)
2021- 1.02 HA!
2020- 1.00 Covid excuse!
2019- 1.3

This company is headed to insolvency. We are broke I tell you. BROKE.

Don't like your IC? Not happy about bonuses being down? Not happy about wages being flat? Shut up. This is the greatest culture in the world. Twice as many patients. Twice as fast;). #Sheep #Coolaide.

You are a special kind of stupid. Did you get fired dude?

Compensation and bonus incentives are now totally detached from performance, and the sentiment is as if we aren't a company printing money right now. T4G needed to happen. Sure. The compensation cuts, stagnant wages did not. People are demoralized and quiet quitting.

Vas needs to leave his bubble of yes men.

Compensation and bonus incentives are now totally detached from performance, and the sentiment is as if we aren't a company printing money right now. T4G needed to happen. Sure. The compensation cuts, stagnant wages did not. People are demoralized and quiet quitting.

Vas needs to leave his bubble of yes men.
People are in survival mode, doing the absolute minimum to keep the business afloat until they know if they can stay or must go. Culture and trust have been seriously eroded. Questions about Vas, MF and Victor’s capabilities remain as T4G is a clown show.

probably management was already aware of the great data presented recently e.g. at ESMO or EADV, if analysts will realize stock price might crash further in addition to the influence of current recession.