We are ALL in the army now


Seeing this company loves to use Military slogans on the largley female sales force & Army like Philosophy throughout upper management, here is the US Armies own definition of TOXIC leaders:

" The U.S. Army defines toxic leaders as commanders who put their own needs first, micro-manage subordinates, behave in a mean-spirited manner or display poor decision making.[4] A study for the Center for Army Leadership found that toxic leaders work to promote themselves at the expense of their subordinates ( take credit ), and usually do so without considering long-term ramifications to their subordinates, their unit, and the Army profession."

Furthermore :

Other traits,

Many are also authoritarian and/or control freaks to varying degrees, who tend use both micromanagement, over management to keep a grip of their authority in the organizational group. Micromanagers usually dislike a subordinate making decisions without consulting them, regardless of the level of authority or factual correctness.[1] A toxic leader can be both hypocritical and hypercritical of others, seeking the illusion of corporate and moral virtue to hide their own workplace vices or insecurity in their role or job.

Does this look some National Sales Managers working for this company right now?


Seeing this company loves to use Military slogans on the largley female sales force & Army like Philosophy throughout upper management, here is the US Armies own definition of TOXIC leaders:

" The U.S. Army defines toxic leaders as commanders who put their own needs first, micro-manage subordinates, behave in a mean-spirited manner or display poor decision making.[4] A study for the Center for Army Leadership found that toxic leaders work to promote themselves at the expense of their subordinates ( take credit ), and usually do so without considering long-term ramifications to their subordinates, their unit, and the Army profession."

Furthermore :

Other traits,

Many are also authoritarian and/or control freaks to varying degrees, who tend use both micromanagement, over management to keep a grip of their authority in the organizational group. Micromanagers usually dislike a subordinate making decisions without consulting them, regardless of the level of authority or factual correctness.[1] A toxic leader can be both hypocritical and hypercritical of others, seeking the illusion of corporate and moral virtue to hide their own workplace vices or insecurity in their role or job.

Does this look some National Sales Managers working for this company right now?

using this analogy i think of the nationals heading up theracutix , they fit the description , cetainly wouldn't want to share a trench with them during any battle, they don't have an shred of leadership between them, no one respects them , black hawk down !!!!!

I don't know much about the military but by changing the Oracea card my territory just got nuked. Can't wait for the POA meeting I'm sure it will be so very motivating. Thanks Galderma for not paying us a bonus in the last quarter.