Waves of bad press starting up again...



"Despite the recent improvements made in ICD technology, patients who had their device implanted between May 2004 and 2006 were actually at a greater risk of inappropriate shocks than those who got them earlier."

Connect the dots folks. This was the time of the Great Guidant Recalls and subsequent market share growth by St Jude. Together which have destroyed and eroded the industry! Soon enough this study will expose which company's devices were followed and which had the most inappropriate shocks.


"Despite the recent improvements made in ICD technology, patients who had their device implanted between May 2004 and 2006 were actually at a greater risk of inappropriate shocks than those who got them earlier."

Connect the dots folks. This was the time of the Great Guidant Recalls and subsequent market share growth by St Jude. Together which have destroyed and eroded the industry! Soon enough this study will expose which company's devices were followed and which had the most inappropriate shocks.

You are a loser -mr MDT rep. If you knew anything about ICDs you would know that all have rhythm discriminators. Even the best RDs can and will be fooled by a patients heart rhythm (ie fast conducted afib). Interesting how you mention SJM & BSC, and fail to mention MDT...now,now... let's not forget all those patients who had 30-40 shocks within an hour due to the crappy Fidelis leads that were (and still are) literally falling apart inside patients hearts. Get informed before you throw crap on the wall, loser. 1 in 6 is not earth shattering -- many studies in the past have shown the same info.

Unnecessary shocks lead to higher mortality (shocks for fast VT that could be amenable to ATP therapy), not inappropriate shocks (at least according to Sweeney's findings). There is no evidence to show any one manufacturer's devices are more responsible for IS to date. It's an industry problem.

Medtronic is just going around and stirring all this stuff up because all Protecta will have is a couple of somewhat unique algorithms designed to reduce inappropriate shocks (LOL). The Virtual ICD study? What a fucking joke. Medtronic is probably in on the release of this article.

all those patients who had 30-40 shocks within an hour due to the crappy Fidelis leads that were (and still are) literally falling apart inside patients hearts.

Just wondering whether bleeding headers, horrible set screws, poor header attachments, inability of doctors securing the leads into the header etc. may also leads to inappropriate shocks as seen in C/T cans.

Unnecessary shocks lead to higher mortality (shocks for fast VT that could be amenable to ATP therapy), not inappropriate shocks (at least according to Sweeney's findings). There is no evidence to show any one manufacturer's devices are more responsible for IS to date. It's an industry problem.

Medtronic is just going around and stirring all this stuff up because all Protecta will have is a couple of somewhat unique algorithms designed to reduce inappropriate shocks (LOL). The Virtual ICD study? What a fucking joke. Medtronic is probably in on the release of this article.

The protecta is a joke. I would def want a VF zone at 200 bpm with discriminators on...



Is all you have to do is read SCD-HeFt which showed that 11-12% of patients received inappropriate shocks due to T-wave over-sensing. These were ALL MDT devices, never mind all the heartache and death Fidelis has caused.

Speaking of T wave oversensing, Protecta won't have a T wave filter it will have TWave Discrimination. It won't stop oversensing, but it will recognize it and withhold therapy. That sounds like a great idea! Thanks Medtronic!

Scdheft was done pre priszm days ...You sold illegal devices sorry..defective devices and got caught...

Read your own recent study that showed massive inappropriate shocks with new technology devices....now tha is scary dude...

Your company demonstrated scdheft inappropriate schock levels with your new devices bravo..

Is all you have to do is read SCD-HeFt which showed that 11-12% of patients received inappropriate shocks due to T-wave over-sensing. These were ALL MDT devices, never mind all the heartache and death Fidelis has caused.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot BSux : Waves of bad press starting up again...

From Heartwire
US Sues Boston Scientific Over Guidant ICDs
Lisa Nainggolan

January 28, 2011 (Washington, DC) — The US Department of Justice (DoJ)announced yesterday that it is suing Boston Scientific, claiming that its Guidant subsidiary--which it acquired in 2006--sold implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) that it knew were defective to Medicare between 2002 and 2005 [1].

The DoJ is suing the company by joining a lawsuit filed by a private citizen, James Allen, in Minnesota, under the "whistleblower provisions" of the False Claims Act; Allen says he received one of the defective devices.

The move follows the breakdown of an agreement between Boston Scientific and the DoJlast year, when the US District Courtin Minnesota rejected a proposed plea deal that would have settled the charges against Guidant. That would have required Boston Scientific to pay a penalty of more than $296 million, which would have been the largest criminal penalty ever imposed on a device manufacturer for violating the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

The allegation is that Guidant knew as early as April 2002 that its Prizm 2 ICD contained a "potentially life-threatening defect" and that it knew as early as November 2003 that other ICDs, the Renewal 1 and 2, contained similar defects. Although it fixed the faults, Guidant continued to sell stock of the old, defective versions of the devices, the suit claims.

"Moreover, as information about the cause and nature of the defect grew within the top ranks of the company, the US contends that Guidant took steps to hide the problem from patients, doctors, and the FDA. Instead of disclosing the problem, Guidant issued a misleading communication to doctors that misinformed them about the nature of the defect," says the DoJ in its statement.

It adds that it was only in May 2005--when Guidant was contacted by a reporter and a front-page story on the subject appeared in theNew York Times--that the company subsequently recalled the devices.

"Patients with serious heart conditions who depend on these devices should not have to second-guess whether they are safe and effective," says Tony West, assistant attorney general for the DoJ's civil division, in the statement. "When a medical-device manufacturer conceals problems with its products, as is alleged here, not only is taxpayer money wasted, but lives are put at risk."

In an e-mail to heartwire , Boston Scientific spokesperson Paul Donovan said: "Guidant plans to respond to the government's allegations and claims for damages in the appropriate fashion."

I am SOOOOO happy BSX bought Guidant, it really shows how fucking stupid Boston is.

This is like a Dallas Cowboy fan watching the Eagles and Redskins kill each other. Priceless.

The best part? Just when you think Boston is coming out it.....BAM right back on the toilet seat.

Why any of you meat sacks stay with BSX is beyond me, I guess there aren't enough bouncer jobs around.

Want to know how stupid Boston was buying Guidant?

Even Cook Medical passed on that deal! So even Cook was smarter than Boston-making Cook now next to the dumbest companies out there.

Just wondering whether bleeding headers, horrible set screws, poor header attachments, inability of doctors securing the leads into the header etc. may also leads to inappropriate shocks as seen in C/T cans.

I thought you were refering to STJ IPG's for neuromodulation until the last 2 words of that sentence. You forgot to mention the battery problems...

Re: Thanks a lot BSux : Waves of bad press starting up again...

From Heartwire
US Sues Boston Scientific Over Guidant ICDs
Lisa Nainggolan
January 28, 2011 (Washington, DC) — The US Department of Justice (DoJ)announced yesterday that it is suing Boston Scientific, claiming that its Guidant subsidiary--which it acquired in 2006--sold implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) that it knew were defective to Medicare between 2002 and 2005 [1].

The allegation is that Guidant knew as early as April 2002 that its Prizm 2 ICD contained a "potentially life-threatening defect" and that it knew as early as November 2003 that other ICDs, the Renewal 1 and 2, contained similar defects. Although it fixed the faults, Guidant continued to sell stock of the old, defective versions of the devices, the suit claims.

"Moreover, as information about the cause and nature of the defect grew within the top ranks of the company, the US contends that Guidant took steps to hide the problem from patients, doctors, and the FDA. Instead of disclosing the problem, Guidant issued a misleading communication to doctors that misinformed them about the nature of the defect," says the DoJ in its statement.

This is classic behavior of management at MDT, BSX, STJ and other leading companies...and why not?? There is NO PENALTY for the jackwagons who cover it up and keep shipping out the crap that is RUINING lives of innocent US and OUS citizens. Patients, shareholders and citizens must DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY from each and EVERY member of management! MAKE THEM PAY. That is the only way to change the behavior. Right now, the criminal behavior is REWARDED at these companies.

Congress and the US Senate need to WAKE UP and create strong deterrents in the form of JAILTIME, personal FINES and company FINES so incredibly large that shareholders will wake up and figure out that THEY are responsible for these heinous crimes against innocent civilians. They control the boards and the shareholders need to exert the control they possess.

I need a drink.

Not with a Guidant device...
Did u ever read the virtual icd study?
What study did you show when you launched cognis and telligen... .? That's right....nothing

Not a Boston guy, and yes I did read the study. Thousands of simulations based on a statistical model. Big deal. I'm sure BSX and STJ will concoct some testing method that shows similar reductions in inappropriate therapy when they do their shock reduction stuff.

Also, wasn't SCD HeFT only single chamber ICDs? Simulation of the atrial lead? How do you test PR Logic without a freaking atrial lead? "Well, I guess this is what the atrial electrogram would look like from the EKG...."

Uhhh...is it the press that is BAD, or the company (meaning the leadership)?

Quit playing the victim and admit the white men in charge have lost their ethics and dug themselves into a dangerously deep hole.