Watch your back

Former HIV NE RD loves to do this and his new gig with more
KC can not be trusted!
Only cares about himself and is manipulative backstabbing unethical person.
It is the reason he was turned down for 15 postings in HIV.
If you work under him, beware and keep guard up while watching your back.
Very fortunate not to have him in HIV

No idea how KC ever got promoted? Worst leader at Gilead and that’s says a lot as Gilead has many very poor leaders.
Oh my KC the one we booted out of HIV to Filog. Just watch your back, very two face and manipulative conniving selish person who has a huge Napoleon complex with a Hilter power mindset. Also major issues.
Beware and have your head on a swivel around him. Never trust a word.

Understatement. Beware for sure as he is self serving always having a hidden agenda looking for negatives and not positives. Reps have so much HR stuff on the guy, the only reason he is still around is that he allowed his reps to do anything they want knowing they have the HR golden bullets on him.
Beware x100