Washington Post takes a shot at a familiar CEO

Apple got Steve Jobs and we got a self centered Navy officer. Just think of what might have been if we would have had a visionary leader for the last decade.

Well, Apple's stock is up 6,800% in the decade. The company should have $100 Billion in cash banked by year end 2011. If KS wants his compensation based on peer performance let the benchmark start there.

Well, Apple's stock is up 6,800% in the decade. The company should have $100 Billion in cash banked by year end 2011. If KS wants his compensation based on peer performance let the benchmark start there.

Where did you get your numbers? October 5, 2001, around when Kevin started, price was $57.61. It is $56.38, now. There have been no splits since the 1990's. Where does 6,800% come from, math wiz?

Where did you get your numbers? October 5, 2001, around when Kevin started, price was $57.61. It is $56.38, now. There have been no splits since the 1990's. Where does 6,800% come from, math wiz?

Please re-read the post.

"Well, Apple's stock is up 6,800% in the decade. The company should have $100 Billion in cash banked by year end 2011"

Note that the post says APPLE'S STOCK is up 6,800% -- not Amgen. Now, don't you feel foolish?

If you want to talk AMGEN STOCK, you need to figure in the $40 Billion in stock buy-backs and acquisitions that KS piled back into the company. Take these into account (sort of reverse splits) and the 2001 Amgen stock has sunk to about $17 a share.

Lets see the stock has done nothing for 10 yrs. Patients have been put in jeopardy for 10 yrs with over use of EPO that was promoted by the sales staff to make their number. Of course 10 years of lawsuits that have cost 10X in legal fees so I'd say KS is a perfect 10. Guess he should have gotten a 10M raise....... Embarrassment that he should be mentioned in the same sentence w Jobs.... I am gone HR so knock your head out trying to find me...