washington dc meeting


Its all about the benjamin's baby. Too late now for the division to cancel a national meeting. If you are in the Northeast do you really want to leave your families alone to deal with this?

Yeah, isn't one of our "values" RESPECT FOR PEOPLE....? What about all of the families that will be impacted? It's really encouraging that Pfizer has our safety at heart...now lets go launch Trumenba.

The same idiots planned a January 6-10th DSR meeting in NY last year. Half of the flights were cancelled due to winter storms. What a fiasco and disaster!

Obviously the morons never learn. Maybe a webex and local rah rah meeting for our 1st POA, then another in late Spring if they feel compelled to fly us and bunk us up together in one locale?

We have Vaccine reps on threads bragging about the pipeline, job security, how much we are better than the PC divisions; and now we have people bitching about traveling to a launch in bad weather-realy???? You just can't please people. Maybe we would be happier staying home and waiting for a phone call seeing if we still have a job. Just thought I'd put things into perspective.

We have Vaccine reps on threads bragging about the pipeline, job security, how much we are better than the PC divisions; and now we have people bitching about traveling to a launch in bad weather-realy???? You just can't please people. Maybe we would be happier staying home and waiting for a phone call seeing if we still have a job. Just thought I'd put things into perspective.

Some people are not happy unless they have something to bitch about. If the company sucks so bad I don't see a chain keeping you here. Find somewhere else to work. I'm sure we can find someone to replace you. Ahhh yes-suddenly an airplane trip don't seem so bad-right!