Warsaw Jobs No Longer


Warsaw has only been a sorry town to bring in my customers... Maybe Zimmer will move out to a more established city to help entertain my docs! Noa Noa just doesn't cut it.

Biomet corp folks, get your resumes buttered up!! Zimmer is changing everything!


Yeah, the quality of restaurants in town has a direct impact to the quality of development work. You big city snobs are constantly posting on here whining about Warsaw. If you don't like it - do yourself and everyone else a favor and get a new job and go away!

Short term memory problems! Have you forgotten how many subsidiaries Biomet closed in the USA and Europe after the merger was in effect. Hundreds... lost their jobs. Those dedicated team members got kicked to the curb because the new owners mentality focused on "Profit". Now they will use some of those bottom feeders in management for awhile as consultants... Those without a degree, well that door will hurt on the way out eventually. Oh and now that you have dedicated all those years and are over 40 now, good luck finding another decent paying job since you will feel the sting of older discrimination disparity.

I worked in Warsaw in 2000. Lasted less than 1 year due to the homogenous Warsaw population. It was very difficult living there but more so outside of work and on the weekends. Stares, whispers of the good old Warsaw people was enough to accelerate my decision to leave for greener pastures closer to a larger city where people are more tolerant of others races. There is so much talent outside Warsaw that wouldn't move there because they want their kids to have access to more culture. I believe it will be such a great advantage for these companies to setup shop outside of Warsaw.

I worked in Warsaw in 2000. Lasted less than 1 year due to the homogenous Warsaw population. It was very difficult living there but more so outside of work and on the weekends. Stares, whispers of the good old Warsaw people was enough to accelerate my decision to leave for greener pastures closer to a larger city where people are more tolerant of others races. There is so much talent outside Warsaw that wouldn't move there because they want their kids to have access to more culture. I believe it will be such a great advantage for these companies to setup shop outside of Warsaw.

Give it a rest! Anyone who interviews with a company in Warsaw knows that it is in Warsaw. don't move there and then whine because it is not New York or Chicago. It won't change just to suit you because you moved there. As for the "whispers and stares", that is just plain BS and insulting. I work in Warsaw in a very diverse group and no one ever whispers or stares. You are imagining things or you are obnoxious. This is 2015 in Indiana, not 1963 in Alabama.

You don't like Warsaw - Don't accept a job in Warsaw and move there.

I agree, if you don't want to move to a small mid-west town, then don't waste everyone's time to interview and accept a job. Warsaw 20+ years ago was not very diverse, but today that is completely changed. It was very difficult to find minorities to move and live in a small town....simply no one available or interested....but that is not the case today. With that said, its still a small town and you have to want to fit in. You can't just go to work and then sit at home and complain you are not included or accepted. When you are new to any town, big or small, you have to make an effort. Join a club, participate in a church, volunteer with a charity, etc and etc. The employment at Zimmer, Biomet and DePuy is made up of many minorities, maybe not like Chicago or NYC, but considering its in rural Indiana....diverse. Get over it!

I agree, if you don't want to move to a small mid-west town, then don't waste everyone's time to interview and accept a job. Warsaw 20+ years ago was not very diverse, but today that is completely changed. It was very difficult to find minorities to move and live in a small town....simply no one available or interested....but that is not the case today. With that said, its still a small town and you have to want to fit in. You can't just go to work and then sit at home and complain you are not included or accepted. When you are new to any town, big or small, you have to make an effort. Join a club, participate in a church, volunteer with a charity, etc and etc. The employment at Zimmer, Biomet and DePuy is made up of many minorities, maybe not like Chicago or NYC, but considering its in rural Indiana....diverse. Get over it!

I must agree with this person except for the joing a church group part. There are enough religious nuts in the midwest. No need to recruit and brainwash anymore.

Religious nuts! Are you kidding me...who is the "nut case" that makes that kind of sweeping statement. You've been drinking the liberal, non-believing cool aide. I feel sorry for you.

Poster #11. Your comment is not only wrong, but very offensive. No one is required to join a church in Warsaw, it's just one of many ways a new person can get connected with friends and the community. You sir, are the "nut".

Poster #11. Your comment is not only wrong, but very offensive. No one is required to join a church in Warsaw, it's just one of many ways a new person can get connected with friends and the community. You sir, are the "nut".

Really???? Good people will be losing their jobs because of this merger and people want to air their political agenda.

Why don't we throw in some Ferguson comments and yell hands up!

I feel for those who will be losing their jobs and getting their lives ruined just so some company can gain some more market share and raise their stock price.

The gross excess of greed is ruining this country everyday!

Really???? Good people will be losing their jobs because of this merger and people want to air their political agenda.

Why don't we throw in some Ferguson comments and yell hands up!

I feel for those who will be losing their jobs and getting their lives ruined just so some company can gain some more market share and raise their stock price.

The gross excess of greed is ruining this country everyday!

Wow... can you please draw the line that connects the post of joining the church of your choice to assimilate into the community you've moved into, and your rant above ?
If this is the way you focus and stay on topic at work, perhaps you deserve to loose your job.

Wow... can you please draw the line that connects the post of joining the church of your choice to assimilate into the community you've moved into, and your rant above ?
If this is the way you focus and stay on topic at work, perhaps you deserve to loose your job.

....or possibly lose your job! Smarten up.