Get your shit together! Vivitrol&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua Vivitrol&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
Our gross incompetence at maintaining a good relationship with the FDA is on display once again! Click the attached link to see just one of the news articles it has inspired.|01||94c0683af4084c96723708d77e8a2260|c2e2c5518fbf4c22b4b3101af7212583|1|1|637117004060238586&sdata=WsZn5xkuB0BCqt96hdxX6vcwrk3RqSfc4ouV/I74Yvk=&reserved=0
The warning letter is bad enough, but the fact that the FDA issued a press release is what's really telling here. They almost NEVER do that. That means that we have so mismanaged our relationship with the FDA that they want to spank us in a very public way. Otherwise they could have quietly issued the warning letter as they usually do. We got this special treatment because we have pissed them off!
Don't we have people who are supposed to be helping us to build relations with the Federal Government? In fact, we have an office in DC tasked with that responsibility. How did they let this happen?