Want to get promoted? You must go this first...

You must be a total scumbag to get a promotion here. Lie, steal, deceive customers, cheating on wife or fiancé is the quickest way to move up the ladder

I was told a similar tale from my recruiter....I've done all of these things in abundance, but have yet to reach upper management. Was I sold a bill of goods?

Don't forget, you must also kiss the collective asses of incompetent management and agree with all ideas that are fraudulent and will deceive customers. This is the Covidien way of doing things...this place is a joke and a good place to collect a check while searching for a better opportunity.

Damn. I wish you would have posted this a few years ago. I've been doing a good job, exceeding quota, being honest, ethical, etc. No wonder I'm not moving up the ladder...

I've been through a similar experience. Consistent top performer but can't move up for tat reason. They keep me in my position to help my incompetent kiss ass manager. If you want to move up, kiss ass, miss quota, don't challenge, and just smile agree and be a yes man.