Walking away at 55. Started two businesses with my wife on the side and now our gross annual income is 7 times what I made as a rep. This didn't happen overnight but around 5 years.
The industry locks you in with company pensions, perks, VERY flexible schedule, awards, trips, decent salaries but you have to put up with idiotic useless managers, forced vaccinations, waste of money company meetings, shitty access, obstinate doctors, fat office staff, etc.
It was good while it lasted. Perfect when raising kids but it's a sham now. I would strongly advise having a solid backup plan in addition to your 401K and pension (if you have one) because there may be a reset from this inept regime we have in office now.
I will miss the reps who were cool (some I still call friends) but not the backstabbers. I had three good managers out of the twelve in my career.
Good luck to all. There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you play it right