Wake Up Homeoffice


If you want Bromday/Prolensa to be successful then GET IT TOP FORMULARIES!!!Most doctors love Bromday but if the patient can't get it then what's the use? EVERYTHING is now ruled by MCare! Do for Brom/Prolensa what you did for Besi.... GET IT ON TOP THREE NATIONAL FORMULARIES!!!!!

the best managed care person in the company left...ss was the man. got all the top plans on all the original products. HQ kept cutting back and cutting back refusing to up the rebates for better tier coverage. Ss knew the way to get the top plans was to go the other way and rebate it up. no wonder your formulary coverage sucks..

You have to rebate B+L products heavily to get on formulary- generics are cheaper and just as good as B+L's brand name eye drops. The opthalmic industry works just fine if B+L products were to disappear from existence. Formulary is one of the last things keeping this company relevant.