Wake-Up Folks (Home Study)


Read your job description and then carefully read the Home Study directives and expectations around Xtandi. Yes your summer is going to take a big hit. No organization can force its employees to accomplish the amount of work it takes to complete the home study over a period of time AND hold all accountable to the current requirements of the job. Let's define "Field Time": That could also mean going into the field and studying…you're still in the field.

If Astellas wants to get into semantics…they will lose all day long on this one. Now, where they can get you is if you don't pass the assessments or role play certification. Where they can't get you is to say…no time out of the field will be provided, but here's your 3-weeks of home study and it must all be done outside of the working day. It's all in the wording people and they worded it carefully. Good luck.

Be real. The specialty position is the easiest job by far in the company. You guys walk around
like you are some advanced special sales people. Far from it. Time to study and realize what real work is like. Enjoy! You won't be able to just smile and give some bladder drug samples to urologists.

Be real. The specialty position is the easiest job by far in the company. You guys walk around
like you are some advanced special sales people. Far from it. Time to study and realize what real work is like. Enjoy! You won't be able to just smile and give some bladder drug samples to urologists.

Thanks Steve!