Waiting for next round


Anyone else out there feeling like they cant wait for the next round to opt out/ hand raise to have a chance to get the severance check? This company drains the life out of you and it definitely is not what they used to be. Many companies have evolved but Merck seems to be set in its ways. Im trying to hang on, but it may be time to abandon ship. Im not looking for the ridiculous insulting usual comments. Im just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same.

Im here with you, Im with the company 31 years and it only gets worse each year. They work us like work horses and get nothing in return! Its time to tell them to kiss my a_ _ . Would be nice if they offered a package deal.

The writing has been on the wall for a while. They’re slowly getting out of primary care. The next cuts are going to be deep because Januvia is losing patent very soon.

Im here with you, Im with the company 31 years and it only gets worse each year. They work us like work horses and get nothing in return! Its time to tell them to kiss my a_ _ . Would be nice if they offered a package deal.
Don't wait for the handout package those are off the table. The major cuts are arriving with gusto.
The age of the glorious Delislinger is kaput! Wonderful times ahead!!

Don't wait for the handout package those are off the table. The major cuts are arriving with gusto.
The age of the glorious Delislinger is kaput! Wonderful times ahead!!
Days are limited! The slouches will be deposed, the deli managers choked and the gym rats caged. My stock will spike ever higher.
Go Kenny!!

Don't wait for the handout package those are off the table. The major cuts are arriving with gusto.
The age of the glorious Delislinger is kaput! Wonderful times ahead!!
Why don't you go back under the rock where you came from? You can't because you look like a fat pumpkin. Sorry we make more than you.