Waiting for an interview


I applied for a position with Abbott Nutrition and am now waiting for an interview. After reading a lot of threads on this site though, I'm getting nervous about the position. Are there still a lot of displaced Abbott reps out there that would have first priority for this position?


um... that is really weird. Not sure how you knew that but I did get a call today! Interview on Thursday!! Wish me luck!:D

We know who everyone is who writes on this site and everything that is written here and elsewhere on the internet is true. That being said get ready for layoff and reorgs on day one.

I applied for a position with Abbott Nutrition and am now waiting for an interview. After reading a lot of threads on this site though, I'm getting nervous about the position. Are there still a lot of displaced Abbott reps out there that would have first priority for this position?

Yeah there are - you are most likely being interviewed in case one of the displaced reps - and do not forget there are more coming every day - in case they do not want the positon, or some shit like that - you ae on the back-up list you are not going to get the offer - so up to you if you wheterh or not you want to waste your time.

Yeah there are - you are most likely being interviewed in case one of the displaced reps - and do not forget there are more coming every day - in case they do not want the positon, or some shit like that - you ae on the back-up list you are not going to get the offer - so up to you if you wheterh or not you want to waste your time.

Or mebbe u will replace someone at lower pay. It's probably lose lose whatever u do, but if u need a job what can u do?

Real answer. The process is painfully long - can take several weeks or more. It begins with a phone interview with a "screener" and progresses to 2-4 live interviews. As said, it can be spread over a number of weeks.

Only advise is, if you are patient and not in a hurry ride it out. It you have other opportunities (offers) and are in a hurry, strongly consider them. There are a lot of applicants for very few jobs in AN.

I applied for a position with Abbott Nutrition and am now waiting for an interview. After reading a lot of threads on this site though, I'm getting nervous about the position. Are there still a lot of displaced Abbott reps out there that would have first priority for this position?

Be careful of what you wish for. The devil you don't know, in this case, is definitely worse.