W.A.R.N. Is it possible?


Is it possible that they are not reorging PC so that they fall outside of the numbers needed to trigger the WARN? 60 days notice will cost $$. The explanation just didn't make sense. Halaven is bringing in growth and $$. Probably much more than 23 and exceeding expectations. It appears that there is a lack of leadership and direction with this "PROJECT".

Is it possible that they are not reorging PC so that they fall outside of the numbers needed to trigger the WARN? 60 days notice will cost $$. The explanation just didn't make sense. Halaven is bringing in growth and $$. Probably much more than 23 and exceeding expectations. It appears that there is a lack of leadership and direction with this "PROJECT".

Could it be they are waiting for open positions on Oncology side to give PC buddies?

Workers who have lost their jobs may be able to demand severance if the company has traditionally provided severance to terminated employees. While an employer is free to change policies (with certain limitations), if there has been a written policy or oral statement that terminated employees will receive severance, a strong case can be made that such a commitment constitutes a binding agreement.

For example, a client of mine was terminated due to a company restructuring. His employer had a history of providing two weeks of severance per year of service (a pattern of practice). However, my client was provided with only one week of severance per year of service, which the company justified as reasonable due to its financial condition. We challenged this on several grounds, including the fact that the company's President had stated six months earlier that company benefits would be continued despite the economic climate. Ultimately, my client received the correct severance package.
