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Vyvanse is Adderall XR !!!!!!!!!!

I guess we can throw out all of the studies showing a longer duration of effect and higher rates of efficacy later in the day. And we can just ignore all the positive clinical experience that doctors have been sharing with us the last 4 years. The thousands of patients that have converted from Adderall XR to Vyvanse probably don't see any benefit at all even though I've heard numerous testimonials right from those patients saying how it's changed their lives. Hell there's someone on the internet saying it doesn't work any better than Adderall XR so I guess we should just hang it up.

Seriously folks just because a medication doesn't work for you or you get some side effect doesn't mean the entire population gets the exact same result. If you don't like or see a benefit from a medication don't use it but don't assume that's the case for everyone.

  • Wonka   Jul 10, 2010 at 08:41: PM
You have to define what is meant by "better". Vyvanse is better in the fact of it working longer yes, but it doesn't work better at improving ADHD. Say at hour 3 post dose, I'm not aware of anything showing Vyvanse being more effective than Adderall.

Adderall/Vyvanse certainly more effective for me and most adults over Methylphenidates like Ritalin and Concerta.

I pop a 30mg immediate release every 4 hours.
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You are correct that there is nothing to show that Vyvanse works better 3 hours post dose than adderall but there is data that shows that it does work better from 4 hours to 12 hours post dose in a study with Adderall XR. No reputable doctor is going to argue that adderall is outperforming XR. In fact Vyvanse is performing just as well 12-14 hours post dose as 3 hours post dose. So a patient who is taking their meds every 4 hours 3 times a day now only has to take it once. There is no way most patients are staying compliant taking their meds 3 times a day, especially a population with lack of focus, and they end up on a roller coaster effect. I would bet that by the end of the day most aren't experiencing any efficacy at all. Even if you could stay compliant why go through all that when there is a very good chance that Vyvanse would allow you to take your meds once a day? Who wants to remember to perform a task 3 times a day when they could get by doing it once? Unless you have some other motive for staying on short acting stimulants. Hmmm.

So it does do a "better" job of treating ADHD the entire day and ADHD effects patients all day. So it does do a better job of treating ADHD. Keep in mind that this is not the case for everyone, just like you said adderall works better for you than methylphenidates, but Vyvanse does have a high success rate. Use what works best for you but odds are if you respond to adderall you are going to respond to Vyvanse.

  • Wonka   Jul 11, 2010 at 06:56: PM
I agree with what you're saying and I do respond to Vyvanse, I tried a 70mg, but I am very compliant about taking my IR every 4 hours so I simply take IR Adderall to save my insurance company money.

I think Vyvanse is great for people that aren't compliant or kids, but like I say, and it seems we're in agreement, as far as it actually working better, it doesn't except in the fact that it's all day and smooth. I will say very smooth and probably better for kids with agitation.

You take IR to save your insurance company money?!? Come on, man!

You're on here trolling around, trying to get someone to make a superiority claim of Vyvanse over Adderall. Not going to happen!

"great for kids with agitation?" Yeah, you sound just like a normal guy who just takes IR Adderall because it saves your insurance company money....errrr.

How about this; since your Adderall works so well for you, and since you are apparently tremendously compliant, how about you hop off the Cafe Pharma board, take your IR, and stop trying to get people to say things which are scientifically not validated?

PS--My money says you don't have ADHD or take Adderall.

  • Wonka   Jul 24, 2010 at 03:22: PM
Post #9

I am a registered poster. Trolling is done anon. If you read my posts here at CP over the last several years, even before V came out, it is well documented in these forums I have ADHD.

What exactly am I trying to get someone to say? What is wrong with me trying to save my insurance company money? I have nothing against V, but for me personally why take it when I can take a generic Adderall every 4 hours or as needed.

If V worked better than Adderall as far as improvements like concentration/focus, I'd take it in a heartbeat and say screw my insurance company.

I think you're the troll.

Let me give you an insurance lesson too. Most big companies are "self-insured". People think they have Blue Cross Insurance but what actually happens is these big companies simply "rent" the network. At the end of the day, the companies are paying the medical bills. So when I save my insurance company money, I am actually saving my company money because they are the ones that pay for my medicine.
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I find your post very interesting but your logic seems a bit flawed. You write "why take it when I can take a generic Adderall every 4 hours or as needed" where as most people would take the view of why do something 4 times a day when you can do it once? I think it's noble that you're trying to save your employer money but ADHD has such a significant impact on a worker's productivity don't you think the consistency without the distraction of "did I remember to take my pill" benefit your employer even more. You sound like you're pretty compliant with your dosing regiment but there has to be days where you miss or are late with a dose.

The objective data on Vyvanse is pretty impressive in that there is no decline in efficacy 2-3 hours post dose out to 14 hours post dose. I've been doing this a while and every(adderall, Adderall XR, Concerta, Focalin XR, etc..) product's data shows that after peaking you start to see a decline through out the day and most doctors will tell you they are not seeing any clinical benefit at 10 hours post dose in the majority of cases. This is evident in the number of doses patients are forced to take or try to remember to take. Vyvanse data shows patient doing just as well 14 hours post dose as 3 hours post dose. It's fairly rare to hear a patient taking anything in addition to Vyvanse. This data of course is a mean so some patients will be doing better some worse.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do but unless you're are one of the few who doesn't respond to Vyvanse I don't see how you could not achieve a better outcome with Vyvanse than short acting stimulants. I would also stress that although you may be compliant you're the exception not the rule when it comes to taking medication and we're dealing with a population that has issues with focus, organization, follow through, etc.. Their compliance rates are going to be lower than even the general population which is really poor the more doses you add through out the day. There are additional risks with abuse, misuse and distribution that come with short acting stimulants that should be considered as well.

Sorry for the long post but I hope you can see why we as company believe that Vyvanse is a "better" treatment for the majority of the ADHD population than the short acting or other long acting treatment options available. If you believe there is zero room for improvement than by all means stick with what you're doing.

  • Wonka   Jul 27, 2010 at 10:36: AM
I find your post very interesting but your logic seems a bit flawed. You write "why take it when I can take a generic Adderall every 4 hours or as needed" where as most people would take the view of why do something 4 times a day when you can do it once?

Actually, there really is a more technical reason I do it. The reason I never took XR. It takes 20mg to ramp me up in the morning. A 30mg XR would release 15mg immediadtely and that's not enough to ramp me. I could have taken 2 20's, but that would have really added to the cost.

The other issue: If I had taken 2 20's, I really don't always need that 2nd 20mg I would have got 4 hours later from XR.

I just have more control using IR. It's not 100% about the money, but that is a factor considering I can optimize better using IR.

Right now, I take 30mg when I wake up, then usually a half every 4 hours, up to 90mg a day. It really just depends on my day. IR is long acting as it is, sometimes just that 30 in the morning can get me through the day.

Unfortunately, I am still hoping for something that gives me more focus. Adderall gets me out of bed, and let's me do a lot of stuff, but if I have a lot of reading to do, unfortunately I still wait until the last minute to do it, even if I find it interesting. I'm still waiting for a better drug, but Adderall been great to me for about 12 years now.

BTW, I do respond to Vyvanse, and I know you're right about the length of action. I don't know the words to describe this, let me say this: Adderall works a lot better for me that Methyphenidate. It is more motivating. I am hoping in the future for a drug that is more motivating that Adderall. Vyvanse is not it, it's not a new drug that works better in terms of how it works. Vyvanse is better like you say in terms of length of action and smoothness. I agree with that 100%, but that doesn't make the drug work better.

If I had compliance problems, I'd take Vyvanse in a second. I'm hoping you guys come up with the next drug that is just going to work better in terms of improving focus and motivation.
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I don't know how old this post is but I've taken Adderall IR, and XR and not i'm taking vyvanse. And yes I do have ADHD, I went to neuropsychology testing for it and talked to 3 psychologists and 2 psychiatrists for a couple months. My take on them is that Adderall XR seems to give me more of a drive to start a task and complete it but vyvanse seems to just give me the focus once I start a task.
As for how long they last, Adderall XR and Vyvanse seem to last about the same amount of time.
Also when you take higher doses like 30 mg of Adderall XR and 70mg of vyvanse you can notice a difference but not significantly. The vyvanse seems to give me insomnia more than adderall XR unless I take it in the morning.

The only thing that does kind of suck is that since Vyvanse is Lexdextroamphetamine as compared to Adderall, Dextroamphetamine, it takes about an extra hour to feel its effect.
I hope this somewhat helps someone lol. Sorry this post is so long haha.
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