Vyvanse 30 pill coupons

Perhaps you could explain why you would need 30 free trial cards for managed care wins?

Perhaps you should ask those in California why they received them and those of us in various other states across the US don't get them. Also, managed care wins require them so that you can get a quick uptake of trials so that patients can switch and try a med without paying anything out of pocket. Shire has always provided those to states and managed care plans with wins. But now they do not allow you to get them for some reason.

Perhaps you should ask those in California why they received them and those of us in various other states across the US don't get them. Also, managed care wins require them so that you can get a quick uptake of trials so that patients can switch and try a med without paying anything out of pocket. Shire has always provided those to states and managed care plans with wins. But now they do not allow you to get them for some reason.

Ok so what you're saying is after the company agrees to pay a rebate to get your product preferred, they then need to give it away for a month free to "help' you do you job? Wake up, there are people here who would love to just get a managed care win alone and can sell that all day long.

Are we still sampling the Intuniv to physician offices? Manyof the offices are running out of Intuniv now that it is July. Do you think we will continue to get samples or Intuniv kits in the coming fall? Without those samples, how can we sell that drug!!!

If it isn't obvious to you by now that the Vyvanse marketing team is asleep at the wheel nothing we could reply will wake you up

So true. What happened to our Vyvanse marketing? It doesn't seem like they're even trying. Asking for adolescent patients after showing that vyvanse is superior to placebo? We can't even say that more patients take AMP as they age so how is that compelling at all? This is the weakest campaign yet.