What happened to these? Hey Vyvanse team!! the 30 pill coupons r preferred by many of the docs we call on. Please remove your head from your colon & send us some
What happened to these? Hey Vyvanse team!! the 30 pill coupons r preferred by many of the docs we call on. Please remove your head from your colon & send us some
we have some in california. just ask and you shall receive
Seriously? We were told they aren't available. That's BS if some regions can use these and others can't. What the hell is going on with this company?
My ZD (ED) got some for us here in California...just ask your ZD and if there is a reason you should get some (like managed care wins) then you will get them
You must be new in the south zone... Welcome!
Perhaps you could explain why you would need 30 free trial cards for managed care wins?
Perhaps you should ask those in California why they received them and those of us in various other states across the US don't get them. Also, managed care wins require them so that you can get a quick uptake of trials so that patients can switch and try a med without paying anything out of pocket. Shire has always provided those to states and managed care plans with wins. But now they do not allow you to get them for some reason.
So tell me then why the company is giving away samples, Intuniv Co-Pay Cards, and Free 30 day trials of Intuniv, and not giving away the 30 day trials of Vyvanse?
If it isn't obvious to you by now that the Vyvanse marketing team is asleep at the wheel nothing we could reply will wake you up