VP of Sales: The Revolving Door


And now we have a new VP of Sales, huh? So Lori, tell us how you're going to lead us any differently than Skip, who was different than Rob G, who was different than David Brown...

The only reason she got promoted is because she is a woman, not because she is qualified. Did she ever carry a bag? No. Does she have a clue what goes on in the OR and the pressure we are under from backorders, and device failures? No. Covidien is merely trying to avoid a class action lawsuit by promoting her. LC wont last 6 months

The only reason she got promoted is because she is a woman, not because she is qualified. Did she ever carry a bag? No. Does she have a clue what goes on in the OR and the pressure we are under from backorders, and device failures? No. Covidien is merely trying to avoid a class action lawsuit by promoting her. LC wont last 6 months

Can you say bitter jealous? That's you.

The only reason she got promoted is because she is a woman, not because she is qualified. Did she ever carry a bag? No. Does she have a clue what goes on in the OR and the pressure we are under from backorders, and device failures? No. Covidien is merely trying to avoid a class action lawsuit by promoting her. LC wont last 6 months

I've never met LC, so I can't speak to the extent of her ability, but I hope she is good- we need ANYONE who can dig us out of the mess we are in. However, I hate to say it, but that rep's opinion about why LC got promoted is probably right. It IS because she's a woman, and because Covidien is getting scared shitless about a class-action lawsuit for gender discrimination from its female employees. I have personally witnessed my former manager tell a former female rep that it is "OK if she gets paid less money (base)" because she has a husband who works full time and makes a decent living (vs those of us who support wives and children). I know reps (men) who take their surgeons to strip clubs, paying for a ton of alcohol and lap dances, to get relationships and business solidified. I know female colleagues that have been here longer, done better , but make less than I do. Personally, it never affected me, until my wife went back to work (sales) and found herself on the other side of the identical situation at work. She is #1 the top sales rep 5 years running, works 60+ hrs/week, is unbelievably qualified with a top notch advanced education, and well respected in her industry/ company. Yet, she is paid about 20% less than her male counterparts and has been passed over for two promotions which went to guys who couldn't even make their #. I see what this does to her, and I imagine some of the other chicks at COV are similarly unhappy.

The real point in all of this has nothing to do with Lori being a woman. It's the fact that we've gone to yet another VP that has no clue what we do, how we do it or what we need.
I don't care if any VP has a dick or not. They just have no balls - male or female - to do the job correctly.
Actually I hope Lori can do the job. We need it. Skip, Rob and Rick sure as hell didn't.

I used to be in area LC was RVP of and am no longer there with the company. She carried a bag for years with other companies I think datascope and some other gigs. I personally liked her and thought she stood up for her reps but I would still be very very careful. She makes a good first impression and has a business head on her shoulders but dont cross her you may be sorry later and you will never see it coming. I think she can turn the ship around for yall generally has a common sense approach to things but hey that all flys out the window once you go inside to corp.

Let's see if LC will be accountable and do the right thing. There have been(and continue to be) huge misses by corporate. When will Covidien stop being the company that trains reps for better jobs and becomes a great company to work for? If you have been with Covidien longer than 2-3yrs, you are either a survivor of incredible challenges, or just stupid.

The only reason she got promoted is because she is a woman, not because she is qualified. Did she ever carry a bag? No. Does she have a clue what goes on in the OR and the pressure we are under from backorders, and device failures? No. Covidien is merely trying to avoid a class action lawsuit by promoting her. LC wont last 6 months

Spoken like a lesser qualified man who didn't get the job. I have worked with Lori extensively and she was far and away the most qualified person for the job. Your information is incorrect as are your assumptions. Yes she has carried a bag in multiple settings that are far more complex than your current sales model. Yes she has extensive experience in backorders and device failures again, all in settings far more developed and complex than the current porfolio you sell.

Your post makes your entire organization look bad, perhaps you are the problem and if you are, she will fix it.

"she was far and away the most qualified person for the job." Huh??? What abot GW, JK or JM? Not qualified enough to be the VP of Sales? Two of them have grown up within Covidien. Then I guess LG is the most qualified to fill LC's position as AVP?? Did her region ever hit quota???

On top of that, mgrs internally are turning down the opportunity to interview for the AVP roles and they have to go outside to find them. Now you have to start to wonder what else is going on.

Hopefully Lori stays in touch with the people on the street and truly listens to her managers and AVP's. There is a lot of chatter amongst the troops and some very good reps are starting to leave and entertain other opportunities. The momentum is getting lost because of all of the backorder issues and reps are getting screwed because of it in their pocket. Don't be surprised if reps stick around until the start of Q1 of 2012 and a larger exodus occurs. The only ones left will be the ones who can't go anywhere else because they've been there to long and have the high bases that Covidien locked them in at to keep them put.

The ones who have the guts to leave will see when they join another company there is life after Covidien, and the grass is actually greener on the other side.