Viva Rochester


No Sale. Great for Rochester. Hopefully the employees at B+L can keep up the strategy to prevent the sale and continue its time with WP.

Even an IPO would be bad. After the IPO B+L could be taken over by another company. Staying with WP is sweet. Good salaries and job stability.

No Sale. Great for Rochester. Hopefully the employees at B+L can keep up the strategy to prevent the sale and continue its time with WP.

Even an IPO would be bad. After the IPO B+L could be taken over by another company. Staying with WP is sweet. Good salaries and job stability.

You really wonder if WP really had an intent to sell or IPO this company at all. It may have been a show for the banks to get more loans. Before anyone gives this company any more loans they should look very carefully at books to make sure that there is no risk of bankruptcy.

The three year until IPO statement by the CEO is a clear warning sign. A company going up for bid is unusual. Normally a company is sold in private not in a public auction. The claim is that B+L is worth 10 billion. Yet B+L refuses to go for an IPO to show that they are worth this amount.

Something is not quite right here. Buyer beware.

Industry veterans are smart enough to see that nothing has changed at B&L during the past 5 years. Nobody is fooled by the smoke and mirrors show put on by current B&L insiders.