Vitamin E and prostate cancer



Let's see (right off the front page of the website): "E1 Antioxidant Infused Technology
The only polyethylene infused with vitamin E to provide strength and oxidative stability without compromise."

Nice try. If you don't understand, get your company's engineer to explain it to you. The vitamin E is essentially locked to the poiy and will not leach. Therefore, these is no extra vitamin E to do any of the proposed damage that you speak of.

I would agree that infused Vitamin E poly is safe but with a better quality poly, NOT Arcom! Probably the worst poly on the market today with Crossfire a close second.

Read the Dartmouth study and learn something junior reps. Just because sales training says it's the best doesn't mean it is.

The Truth

x3 dominates all polys. the data that is coming out (yes it's still early) is remarkable.

Engineer here: in E1, VE is not grafted to the poly in any manner whatsoever, unless you've recently changed the "Soaking" protocol. Your poly is irradiated (cross-linked) prior to infusion. VE is "infused" into the polyethylene matrix via temperature and pressure essentially, (think Deep-frying/Soaking irradiated poly in a vat of liquid VE) but there is no physical grafting. Grafting of any usefulness only occurs during irradiation, when bonds are broken and can subsequently be reformed with available VE particles attaching to the poly matrix during the cross-linking process. The only VE grafting that occurs in E1 occurs during sterilization, which isn't designed to deliver the appropriate dose or length of irradiation necessary to ensure all available VE molecules are grafted.

Thus there is nothing that can be done to GUARANTEE that VE is uniformly distributed within, or permanently attached to, the polyethylene, which is why the VE can be forced to leach out of E1 under certain conditions. If whoever told you that your VE is grafted is banking on the grafting that occurs during sterilization, then they're right on a technicality, but I wouldn't brag about it...or put much faith in there being a clinically-significant presence of VE at subsurface levels of the poly.