Vision Care


I bet Mr. Bausch and Mr. Lomb the original founders are turning over in their graves because of the atrocious way this once highly esteemed company is run. New management constantly being brought in CEO's Presidents, VP's etc. They're all completely incompetent and have no business running a company. They can't forecast, or execute even a simple conference call. Marketing continues to come up with the most horrendous programs and can't understand why they flop. All the good reps are leaving or been let go because they're more focused on sales instead of checking the box. Really sad.

I bet Mr. Bausch and Mr. Lomb the original founders are turning over in their graves because of the atrocious way this once highly esteemed company is run. New management constantly being brought in CEO's Presidents, VP's etc. They're all completely incompetent and have no business running a company. They can't forecast, or execute even a simple conference call. Marketing continues to come up with the most horrendous programs and can't understand why they flop. All the good reps are leaving or been let go because they're more focused on sales instead of checking the box. Really sad.

Checking the box is the B&L way: Vision care, Pharma all of it is micromanaged by incompetant weak leaders. That's why we ALL leave eventually. Hear that Brent, you need to clean house near the top...

Vision Care has some great people both at the lab level and management level. The problem is the vast majority of folks are simply not up to the task. For years people were able to pick up bonuses without having to deliver anything. When was the last contact lens launched with a brand new material, let alone a breakthrough material? One issue is they have the same people in snr positions who have never delivered more than one product in 20 years. (Look at all the patents produced - hanging on the walls in offices like dear antlers - determine the revenue generated per patent then compare it to other companies.) If you aren't good enough to deliver in the lab you can find a job in project management. How many proj. managers have no fundamental training in this area, have to learn on the job and are running, sorry juggling, multiple projects? There are many fundamental problems in VC, not least folks who are happy to show up from 9-5, spend half the day chatting and complaining about the place and are just happy to pick up a paycheck. (You know who they are.) However, looking at the big picture....major changes continue at the corporate level and this DOES NOT help. Come on, CTO crying at end of year meeting in 2009. Seriosuly, what ever happend to courageous leadership. If you ever meet the CTO - unlikely as he's now moving back to CA, after moving to ROC, anything funny there? - and he recommends one of his favorite books, please pick up and read it. Everything you'll read about how great companies are run is the exact opposite of what is going on now. Some might say it's a shame but look at what happened to Kodak and Xerox - is it a ROC thing? -.....B&L is heading the same way,.....slow death.

Brent is only in it for the short term so he can say he ran a billion dollar global company, albeit one in 4th place in its sector.

It is time for people to deliver new products in Pharma, Vision Care and Surgical. It is crazy to keep promoting people who do not deliver on the timelines and push forward technology that has no chance at becoming a product but helps them build a career on futile activites designed to support their resumes.

We need outside consultants to come in and make a honest assessment about the work we are doing so we can spend our activities on what is good for the company as a whole and not just activities that support career building activities.

Is it possible that the the pres or vice pres is unaware of the stupidity of those pulling sales reps numbers? They are always wrong and the same people end up at the top once they complain. I dont understand how this continues. Clean that part of the house or change the system. FUCK!!!!!