Virtual sales positions


I see that Novartis has a few virtual sales positions up for CRM and Eye care. It states that you are covering territories a few states large, but also says it’s 100% virtual. So does that mean I can apply for a “territory” across the country from me? Does anyone know what the salary and bonus range would be? Is CRM better than Eye care? Thanks for your help!


Are these legitimate permanent positions or just some pilot program to see if anything sticks? I’m interested in trying something different, but I am afraid they’ll pivot to something else in six months and I’ll be on the outs again. No one has any salary or bonus information?

Are these legitimate permanent positions or just some pilot program to see if anything sticks? I’m interested in trying something different, but I am afraid they’ll pivot to something else in six months and I’ll be on the outs again. No one has any salary or bonus information?

This is Novartis. They will pivot when they realize that no one wants to talk to a virtual sales agent, and everyone will get let go or transferred to another position.

You sure as hell should not be calling anyone a moron. Just because you are too frightened to take the vaccinations and maybe (god forbid) wear a mask if required, does not mean the rest of us are such pussies

Are these legitimate permanent positions or just some pilot program to see if anything sticks? I’m interested in trying something different, but I am afraid they’ll pivot to something else in six months and I’ll be on the outs again. No one has any salary or bonus information?

Don’t take this job unless you need a job. No way it will be around long. However, if you have a positive attitude you could transfer internally once there is a different sales opening. I’d guess salary around 60 and bonus 24 but I may be way off.

Don’t take this job unless you need a job. No way it will be around long. However, if you have a positive attitude you could transfer internally once there is a different sales opening. I’d guess salary around 60 and bonus 24 but I may be way off.
Thank you for a rational, well thought out, and pertinent answer. It’s quite refreshing.

Don’t take this job unless you need a job. No way it will be around long. However, if you have a positive attitude you could transfer internally once there is a different sales opening. I’d guess salary around 60 and bonus 24 but I may be way off.
I think that base sounds a bit low, or at least I hope it is for your sake. I guess more like 70-75k. Check to see if it’s a territory mirrors to a field rep or if you’re covering the white space no one else covers. I think a mirror territory would be more likely quick to eliminate since there’s still coverage. If you’re the only one calling these customers, you’ll have a better shot to stick around

Alright, I admit it. I’m a dumbass. I had paralysis by analysis. I hemmed and hawed over if I should apply for one of these virtual positions and finally decided I’d give it a shot and apply. Figured at the very least I owed it to myself to hear the specifics before having to truly decide. So of course, now the postings are no longer listed!?!?! FML!! Lesson learned. Congratulations to the second best applicant who got the job, I’ve got to start watching the job board every week.

Alright, I admit it. I’m a dumbass. I had paralysis by analysis. I hemmed and hawed over if I should apply for one of these virtual positions and finally decided I’d give it a shot and apply. Figured at the very least I owed it to myself to hear the specifics before having to truly decide. So of course, now the postings are no longer listed!?!?! FML!! Lesson learned. Congratulations to the second best applicant who got the job, I’ve got to start watching the job board every week.

The VSS roles will be around for a while, they’re no more disposable than any sales position at this company and have proven that they pay dividends. Starting salary is around 75K and depending on experience can go over 100K in base. Target IC is 30K. Multiple divisions are imploring them and they are a great way to get your foot in the industry or a way back in if you’ve left to pursue other industries. Full benefits and retirement. Obviously you need to know what you’re getting into and be prepared to pound the phone all day. Long list of highly qualified people looking to land these jobs. You’ll get out what you put in…do your time and you can easily get promoted to a forked role, I’ve seen it happen on more than one occasion. Good luck

The VSS roles will be around for a while, they’re no more disposable than any sales position at this company and have proven that they pay dividends. Starting salary is around 75K and depending on experience can go over 100K in base. Target IC is 30K. Multiple divisions are imploring them and they are a great way to get your foot in the industry or a way back in if you’ve left to pursue other industries. Full benefits and retirement. Obviously you need to know what you’re getting into and be prepared to pound the phone all day. Long list of highly qualified people looking to land these jobs. You’ll get out what you put in…do your time and you can easily get promoted to a forked role, I’ve seen it happen on more than one occasion. Good luck

This is correct. Salary is between 75-115 K
100% to plan is 33K.

They’re viewed as a long term role but who knows what happens with any job in big pharma.
I’ve conducted plenty of interviews and there really is a long line of highly experienced outside pharma reps who are interviewing for these positions

You may want to cut these people! Making virtual calls on customers who left the territory or retired months ago! Instead of not trusting the people in the trenches, fire the schmuck sitting at home lying.