Virtual NSM 2022

Wait until you go through the workshops then hit us back. This entire meeting, except for the PCE announcements should have been cancelled. Total waste of time
People like you need to just leave our company. I wish they knew who you were. Loser

I’m actually looking forward the workshops to get better and help me win PC this hear.

Wait until you go through the workshops then hit us back. This entire meeting, except for the PCE announcements should have been cancelled. Total waste of time

I agree percent. And the PCE is a joke. Territories are vastly different and can’t be compared apples to apples. Add that to the fact that corporate coddles certain reps and greatly reduces their quotas to insure good years and you have a fabricated system. Corporate knows who is going to win PCE before the year even starts because they adjust quotas to make it happen the way they want.

I've seen paint dry that held my attention better than this debacle. The Wizard of Oz theme with Greg and Jed was pathetic. I bet they cringe when they look themselves in the mirror. I can't wait to see that one show up as an example of how to motivate the sales team!