Virbac keeps having the threads deleted


Notice when we talk about the devious behavior of CBM, Virbac complains to cafepharma until they discussion is deleted?

Typical Virbac - kill the messenger and enable devious behavior rather than dealing with the real issues.

As a long time sales rep, I'm tired of the lies, back stabbing, broken promises, product recalls, lack of caring from home office regarding product safety, or our ability to have anything to sell. We are the laughing stock of the industry. No vets take us seriously any longer.

And Virbac's response to all this? Let's worry about people speaking the truth about the devious, back stabbing and mean-spirited behavior of HR.

They are sick in the head.

Quite a few people have posted on here detailing shameful real examples of how she operates only to have them deleted.

Virbac can keep deleting these posts all they want, but the word is out among all the Virbac employees about her and her shanigans. You should hear the conversations being held among employees in FW about her. We know what she is really like, and she knows that we all know what she is like.

When she see us she'll know behind our smile to her, we really know what she is like.

Her behavior is squarely on PH as he allows, and even supports her shameful actions. That means he is no better than her. They have both proven to be completely dishonest.

We should time this to see how long it takes Virbac to whine like babies that people are talking the truth about CBM and have the thread removed.

Don't forget her minions are part of the "watching and reporting" regime of every, little, detail to be used against you. Make sure they don't see you talking to people in the hall! It will be noted and used against you.

Quite a few people have posted on here detailing shameful real examples of how she operates only to have them deleted.

Virbac can keep deleting these posts all they want, but the word is out among all the Virbac employees about her and her shanigans. You should hear the conversations being held among employees in FW about her. We know what she is really like, and she knows that we all know what she is like.

When she see us she'll know behind our smile to her, we really know what she is like.

Her behavior is squarely on PH as he allows, and even supports her shameful actions. That means he is no better than her. They have both proven to be completely dishonest.

And yet she keeps being her devious, mean-spirited self. Ahhh, "the Virbac way" the French love to promote.

The French are going to find out how big a problem she is, because they are about to receive an email reporting her.

I hope you do. And I hope something comes of this against her. But knowing Virbac, it's clear Paul is ok and protects her behavior and France just couldn't care less.

Think of all the terrible reviews people fill out against her over the years during the 2 year reviews. Nothing ever happens to her and all she does is quash what is shared with US execs from these so she airs their issues and keeps her own hidden. What a scam she operates.

Maybe in the Dallas meeting they'll also talk about why they keep deleting threads about the terrible HR department. Oh wait...its Virbac. They'll simply blame the employees for everything.

Carol must have here head down coming up with made-up reasons to put people on PIP's to help Virbac cut down the sales force.

All while marketing keeps forcing crappy programs on us as they think vets still want this crap after everything that has gone on.

Carol must have here head down coming up with made-up reasons to put people on PIP's to help Virbac cut down the sales force.

All while marketing keeps forcing crappy programs on us as they think vets still want this crap after everything that has gone on.

Clearly Carol has been having a good time coming up with her list for round 1, 2, and 3 of layoffs to be bothered having this thread deleted. Her target once again is focused on Virbac employees. She must be having a blast influencing who gets cut to fit her personal agenda. All her notes in her secret files are being used to the max.