
Hate working in Development

The gossip is hateful
The environment full of vipers
The air is poissonous

Human Resources....HATEFUL BITCH
I cannot work here any longer

While I wait for a better offer....I am speding my days surfing the net...and yes, checking out ....don´t care anymore

They fire good people without cause...don´t replace them....and expect those that remain behind to cover without any sort of compensation.....

Had it with the Bullshit...
Plus a "leader" that doesn´t care....nor is there....Trevor...wake up and smell the are stepping on it !!!

BYE....The hell with this place


He is firing anyone that doesn´t agree with him.
And surrounds himself with idiots (like my boss) - who dont have the experience to manage a roach motel !

That´s why I spend my days surfing the net, applying for positions at other companies, and pretending I attending endless TCs and VCs

Trevor....hope one day, either Dan, Joe or David have the guts to fire you as well !

is not a question of testicles

is a question of truly following Novartis' Values & Behaviors.

When the very top of the Development organization - Trevor - is completely detached from the People and their hurdles.....and executes (literally), anyone which either openly disagrees with him, or expresses better ideas on how to move the Development Organization forward....FORGET it ! ...our Development Organization is completely demoralized - we pretend to drink the Kool-Aid....but in reality, we are NOT motivated, hardly working, and LOOKING OUTSIDE like crazy to get out of this sinking ship.

Many of us, Joe & Dave will have 1/2 a testicle to get rid of Trevor.

True leaders like Shannon, Rienhardt, Califre, Roellinger - are very much missed !!!

is not a question of testicles

is a question of truly following Novartis' Values & Behaviors.

When the very top of the Development organization - Trevor - is completely detached from the People and their hurdles.....and executes (literally), anyone which either openly disagrees with him, or expresses better ideas on how to move the Development Organization forward....FORGET it ! ...our Development Organization is completely demoralized - we pretend to drink the Kool-Aid....but in reality, we are NOT motivated, hardly working, and LOOKING OUTSIDE like crazy to get out of this sinking ship.

Many of us, Joe & Dave will have 1/2 a testicle to get rid of Trevor.

True leaders like Shannon, Rienhardt, Califre, Roellinger - are very much missed !!!

onc development is the worst. lame people with no experience are all vps and executive directors. what a joke

Onco's mess is Trevors salvation.... his "speed" created hunderds, thousands of patients being enrolled & treated without legal foundation (NDA's, Admendments etc not submitted..)... But he.. David can't say a thing... he is responsible for the same mess..

it's a shared faith.. both are as screwed. Vasella doctrine of keeping people on their toes by keeping them scared. it created the viper culture where the big viper mundel thrives

Hate working in Development

The gossip is hateful
The environment full of vipers
The air is poissonous

Human Resources....HATEFUL BITCH
I cannot work here any longer

While I wait for a better offer....I am speding my days surfing the net...and yes, checking out ....don´t care anymore

They fire good people without cause...don´t replace them....and expect those that remain behind to cover without any sort of compensation.....

Had it with the Bullshit...
Plus a "leader" that doesn´t care....nor is there....Trevor...wake up and smell the are stepping on it !!!

BYE....The hell with this place
Thankx for spilling beans on OGD.