Fact is, ViiV went all in on 2DR, and the patients, Provider’s, and competition called their bluff. It cost ViiV/GSK Billions! Time has proven it to be a terrible decision, one of the worst in the history of industry. It’s crazy we still have a multi-billion dollar drug in Triumeq, after acknowledging how poor abacavir is for patients. We should have stuck with Triumeq with a different 3rd agent. Now we battle our competitors to capture the rush to change patients off Triumeq.
Honestly, Gilead had a similar decision around the same time. Instead of bailing on Truvada, they improved it. Conversely, that has proven to be one of the best decisions in the history of this industry. Biktarvy alone will be a $10 Billion dollar drug this year (worth more than the entire GSK/ViiV HIV portfolio!
Anyone still at ViiV/GSK who had anything to do with this decision should have been fired years ago.