Viibryd Speaker Compliance Issue


Are you all going to pay off your Celexa/Lexapro Speakers for Viibyrd? Are you paying PA's and NP's who have no clout or audience to speak? Translation: Paying them to wrire scripts? You better fugure this out before other companies report you to our compliance and yours.

Are you all going to pay off your Celexa/Lexapro Speakers for Viibyrd? Are you paying PA's and NP's who have no clout or audience to speak? Translation: Paying them to wrire scripts? You better fugure this out before other companies report you to our compliance and yours.

Seriously, get a life.

Are you all going to pay off your Celexa/Lexapro Speakers for Viibyrd? Are you paying PA's and NP's who have no clout or audience to speak? Translation: Paying them to wrire scripts? You better fugure this out before other companies report you to our compliance and yours.

Of course I will; how else will I get anyone to write scripts for this piece of shit product? Will anyone actually pay $50/mo. for Viibyrd when you can get equal generics for $4?

Equal - like in similar, same, no noticible variance. I'll use it in a sentence for you; "you are equal to a dumb ass".

I realize antidepressants have simular response rates but there are idosyncratic differences in response - differences that some physicians with years of experience can predict with better accuracy than a Washington DC EBM beancounter. That[s what physicians call "the art of medicine."

That said, this is a funny post....very funny.

If you think paroxetine and fluoxetine are "equal," then you must be one of the ass heads who work at my Wallgreens.

You've spent way too much time in Commack or listening to your dumb ass DM if you think there's that much difference in any of the SSRI's. While each one may or may not work on any one individual you're missing my point. Managed care won't alow much growth for another me too drug - you'll see when you try to get them to write it.

I realize antidepressants have simular response rates but there are idosyncratic differences in response - differences that some physicians with years of experience can predict with better accuracy than a Washington DC EBM beancounter. That[s what physicians call "the art of medicine."

That said, this is a funny post....very funny.

Of course there's idiosyncratic differences in drugs you numbnut or everyone would have the exact same type of response and/or side effect. My point is you are fighting an uphill battle if you think providers will jump thru hoops to PA a new SSRI - plus, very few people will pay $50 for a new SSRI when so many good ones cost only $4.

Good luck!

If you think paroxetine and fluoxetine are "equal," then you must be one of the ass heads who work at my Wallgreens.

....ahem.... are they all indicated for dep. or anxiety? Are they all SRI's? Do you know at least 1 person doing well on them? They are more equal than different, dumbass. You spend too much time in lala land and not enough time in reality.

How about we pay YOU to mind your own business?

Ok, i will take your money. You pay me Howard or I pull medicare. Sound good? GReat.....

Not only are all SSRI's equal, they are selected based off price not efficacy, when the mother load of them cost 4 bucks, you figure out the rest. Get it putz. What is the more pointless drug, the new "latuda" with one label from Sepracor or another me2 SSri? This is a close one. Both shit companies, both desperate.

I'm sooo glad I found this Board on my google of Viibryd. Keep giving it to them Anonymous #1

So many coming "off" is such a short time. They are grasping at anything to replace the $...

Ok, i will take your money. You pay me Howard or I pull medicare. Sound good? GReat.....

Not only are all SSRI's equal, they are selected based off price not efficacy, when the mother load of them cost 4 bucks, you figure out the rest. Get it putz. What is the more pointless drug, the new "latuda" with one label from Sepracor or another me2 SSri? This is a close one. Both shit companies, both desperate.

Latuda is an antipsychotic.

you should see who my counterparts selected as speakers. total pay out. i argued but they don't listen and neither does our manager. i know a lot of people have made stupid threats about going to oig and all that crap. i think i will call the compliance hotline on this one and report my counterparts and my dm, really.

you should see who my counterparts selected as speakers. total pay out. i argued but they don't listen and neither does our manager. i know a lot of people have made stupid threats about going to oig and all that crap. i think i will call the compliance hotline on this one and report my counterparts and my dm, really.

stop trashing the antipsychotics you stupid a forest reps. I am watching you